Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Crap.Crap,Crap I realized with a start that I still had not heard back from the Deaf community regarding there being any of their consumers at the RTF program day after tomorrow!!! I actually tried to get hold of the Deaf center last week before the holiday but could not get through. All I got was the tedious noise of the Deaf Center TDD trying to access our TDD( which we do not have). I got this same noise all week until just few minutes ago when I finally got a voice. But the one person I needed was not in an I am now waiting for a call now I know will not come till tomorrow.

What I need to know is are any of their people are planning on coming to the event so I can get the sign language interpreter which will cost me $90.00 an hour. So I plan to only pay for interpreters during the press conference portion or the first hour then the deaf folk are on their own. I had been doing so well too.

So far I have about too hundred mini sandwiches coming from Subway and drinks for about 100 people and I also have bags of ice coming. Long range weather indicators re calling for clear and hot (85 – 90 degrees) . I informed the speakers of something to speak about, the ones who have had trouble finding something to speak about. I am finding that the Americans with Disabilities Act is still a pretty nebulous document and many people with disabilities who should know about the important dates. The date of the signing if the ADA is July 26, 1990 during the reign Of JWB the first! I know few AB’s will know think but come you crips we all should hold this date hallowed and dear to our hearts. Someone told me today, someone with a disability,” wasn’t it some time in June of 1976—I think she was still feeling the flush of the bi-centennial celebrations, and yes it would have been nice and fitting had the ADA been signed the it wasn’t to be for another 14 years.

So where is the damn bus! No phone calls or email responses. Just my luck the bus is lying on it’s side just outside of Winnemucca Nevada in a waterless gully and the wind covering it with tumbleweeds not to be seen again this decade. The shrink wrap will eventually disintegrate and the sides will rust and the only thing left will be the undying legend of how meadowlarkmark was stud up at the press conference—like a bride without a groom I was without an ADA bus or a photographic exhibit. I promised these people a shrink wrapped ADA bus and if they don’t get shrink wrapped ADA bus there will surely be Hell to pay.

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