Thursday, November 15, 2007

24 Hour Rule

It has been twenty-four hours since Amy from Express Recovery dropped the $459.00 bomb on me. I have had some time to process he phone call and visit with Dianne about the all since Dianne handles this kind of stuff at out house. Dianne just asked that I start getting as much information together as I can regarding the bill. I have found that my “24 hour” applies on just about everything. I always give an upsetting issue twenty-four hour before I really consider any action I might take.

I called the hospital this morning at my break and found out that it was not the hospital who had sent me to collections. I was encouraged when I finally got someone, in billing, to pick up the phone. I was momentarily encouraged when the lady in the billing office said they had not sent me to collections and if they had, the hospital has heir very own collection group and I definitely had not been sent to them. The lady then informed me that most likely the doctor who had treated me was the person who had sent me to collections.

So, I called Amy back at the collection agency, and she sounded just as perky today as she sounded yesterday and sure enough it was the ER doc. I cannot believe I have to pay separately for each of this medical experience. How can they o this…is their goal to complicate a persons life as much as possible? Now, I have to go back and check and check to see if I even got any notice from the ER-doc for services rendered. I do not remember seeing anything. I think I am going to be battling these guys for months if not years to come. But, I have to admit, Amy was pretty cool. She helped me set up a ‘payment’ plan. I will make payments as I work with my insurance carrier to see if we can get this mess worked out. Hopefully if we can get the insurance folk to be responsible they can compensate me for any payments I might make.

My cousin called this morning an my van should be finished by 5:00 o clock but I am not going to pick the van up today. If I get the van at all this week it will be tomorrow, I can deal with only so many financial matters at one time—I am giving my van 24 hours and hoping for the best.

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