Monday, January 19, 2009

Kicking Back

My butt feels much better today, but it’s early but I am thinking maybe the time off and attention to the wound this weekend, this long holiday weekend. That’s it though, I suspect those of you who are reading and following this blog are getting sick and tired of getting the low down on my anatomy, I plan to move on now and get on with healing a and reporting my life. But keep in mind as an aging crip I am deeply concerned as to my physical condition and living life as I can as independently and free of physical pain and strain of all sorts as I can. So a wound anywhere on me will get good play in this blog.

It’s a holiday today and I am home and enjoying the day. We are making ham and lima bean soup and just laying low. The sun is out and Salt Lake is deep into inversion the day looks nice ,even warm but the atmosphere is dangerously dirty to breath and the inversion causes the temperature to be much lower here on the valley floor where the temperature will struggle to get out of the thirties up above the inversion in places like Park City the temps will rise into the forty’s and maybe even higher mixed with much cleaner air. I would like to go out but there really is nothing to do except get cold. So I am sitting by my window looking out on the street which runs past my home.

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