Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Right Thing To Do

Remember the loaner chair I borrowed from the Utah Independent Living Center? The chair which I ended up taking the top part off and putting my seating system on has been working very good, actually like a dream after I got used to the slower speed and remembered to buckle myself in, every time I use it. Last week I for some reason I remembered that the chair which died on me, my chair which I left at Magic Rest still had my new set of batteries in it, the batteries I had to wait till the end of Summer so my insurance would purchase them some thing ling $200.00!! I called Magic Rest and sure they still had my batteries and the pulled them and load tested the batteries and they reported the batteries were still charging at 70%. We made an appointment for Saturday, today to have me stop by the shop and have the boys switch out the chores.

The doomsday weatherologist reported last night the skies today would be grey and weepy rainy all weekend long so I was a little surprised when I left the house and there were clouds but the temperatures were spring like with patches of blue. I am sure it was just the heat of the new cold front “pushing” it’s way in but the warm air felt good. I was totally surprised when I got to the shop and the traded the batteries right there in my van in about ten minutes they were going to give me the batteries but those batteries were not mine—and the batteries they pulled out of my chair were new batteries, newer then my batteries. Those batteries were the Center’s. I told them to hold on to them and I would have someone from the center pick them up next week.

I should have kept them, the batteries. You can always use a second pair of batteries, back up batteries. Oh when I was there I noticed Brent the sales guy was in and I asked him about my new chair, had he heard anything—and he had. My new chair should be in town the end of next week!!! I cannot believe it my wait is about over. Now I have to seriously think about the $2,000.00 which will be my responsibility. This makes me a little nervous. So I will have new batteries when the chair comes, brand new cores, and I will have these 70% cores which I am riding on now and I feel it is just right to make sure the batteries which came with the loaner go back to the Center. Really, I am not that much of a good guy it just seems like the right thing to do.

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