Thursday, January 15, 2009

Smooth Operator

One of the cool things my boss does when she is free of meetings in or out of the office is surf the net and that’s cool she surfs the net in the line of work, not like me, IF I were to surf the net. My boss actually finds material about people and programs influencing people with disabilities. Earlier this week I got a forward from the boss which she found, I guess it was sent to her by the county mayor’s office with a link to a clip about Nick Vujicic, a little born again, Australian trolling for souls on the Pacific. When I first played the clip I figured the boss just got pulled in by another super crip easy to do when you have un dying faith in your common man/person.

Nick Vujicic has no arms or legs, actually he has some sort of appendage(which probably should have been a leg, in another dimension but not in this one and he I able to use the appendage very effectively. He is smart, good looking head, has an Australian accent, and really knows how to work a crowd. I could also say he has Christ as a brother in his back pocket but I won’t because I am trying to be impartial and not as cynical as I usually am. He is a charmer and somewhere along the line her learned that he can control the crowd with a wink and a smile and a good story and giving the world permission to stare at him, better yet even hug him. What a deal. I have a friend who is similar but has enough body parts that he drives and gets along pretty good independently. My friend is a federallie working for HUD. Brian is a Quaker and is not out their like Nick, bearing his testimony every time he turns around. Brian does good works because that is what people do for their fellow man/persons. I think inherently Nick is too but he is also a hustler hustling for God. Now, I am going to tell you something I want you to keep secret at all cost, don’t tell anyone because if you do my tough guy rep is in serious jeopardy, but the little squirmer got to me!! Not his born again, I am saved and I am going to save you but the motivational, I can do it, I did it and so can you; that part where he falls over like a great tree and whistles when he goes down and then pops himself back up. It is so hokey that it’s impressive. Check him out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok...i won't tell anyone about your little secret. 'little squirmer' it!