Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lay Down and Take A Load Off

I am up today. I forced myself to say in bed all day yesterday to relieve pressure off my rear end. The old wound, I have, refuses to heal. /actually Dianne says the wound has healed but now has broken down again. Not big and not bad…yet, but needs to have attention one way or the other.

As I have discussed in the past I have had wounds before right after my accident I had a few decubes and these wounds were heart breaking for me but taught me valuable lessons as far as skin maintenance and a healthy distain for anything which might put me to bed for days if not weeks at a time. Am just plain fortunate, I think I have skin which fight pressures sore anyway did for forty some years which re really the time I have gone between skin breakdowns and I probably have been pretty irresponsible with my skin care .

I don’t know about other gimps but I strongly suspect most feel as I do: anything which limits your mobility is greatly feared. I have visited with a couple of caller at Access Utah Network who call, especially when they have had a skin breakdown and just need someone to talk to. These folk have serious breakdowns which could kill them if they don’t take care of the condition; they’re in bed months years at a time and a couple have even died. To me skin breakdown is right up there with kidney infection which will really make me change my life style and start taking care of myself. And the best way to care for myself now is to take the time and get off my butt. I hate to be down though. I believe it has something to do with my perceived mortality or just having to be trapped in bed and watch the world and history go by and me not being part of it.

So Thursday night when I went to bed Dianne let me know the skin had finally broke and a wound, small, was present. The depression waved over me and I looked at a ruined weekend, and a holiday weekend at that. But I also decided to take the problem in hand and fight the issue even if fighting the issue meant staying in bed all weekend along in order to be well enough to be up and go to work Tuesday morning. It took a while to accept this new maybe proactive approach to taking care of myself. So after rising yesterday, shaving making a quick breakfast so as to take my meds I returned to be where I stayed the remainder of the day. The day was not bad, I really need to move the TV to where I can see it better. As it is the TV is behind me and I have to turn over in bed to watch which is not really comfortable or practicable, but I did it. I was down all day and last night when Dianne checked my butt indicated the would was looking this morning better, the same for this morning’s check. So, I am thinking maybe I will be up only part of the day and hopefully I can handle this outbreak with out going into the wound unit.

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