Monday, January 26, 2009

We are doing another broadcast of Access Utah Now this Thursday and I have just sent out a copy of the February Quantum the e-newsletter of Access Utah Now. I made a gigantic list of names in my address book of folk I think would be interested and blasted it out—the list is a little over three hundred names and growing. I am finding I am finding I am sending a message down the list a couple of time a month, once before each broadcast and when I send out a new copy of the Quantum. So far I have got a couple of emails from people either demanding how I got their email or to have their name stricken from our list

I guess I cannot blame not blame them as much as I have bitched and moaned about getting “forwards” from people I know who send them out by the hundreds and I suppose these folk see these announcements showing up in their “In Box” as a form of junk mail. But I doubt I will stop sending out the announcements. Sure I’ll remove the names from the list when they request but that is all.

The snow fell during the night as I came to work from the Planetarium Station I was able to get this image. I liked it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep 'em coming! At least we all know what your up to when we gat them:)