Thursday, August 21, 2014

Cooler Temps With A Good Chance Of Showers

The summers cranking down, I could feel it. I was actually up early this morning don't know why, I just couldn't sleep any longer. I think I was excited about not only having the sink, my kitchen sink, repaired but also having a new handheld shower device installed in the shower. Dianne took out the broken handheld installed the new. Those two items alone may have risen the excitement level inside me to the point where I was done sleeping probably around 355 of 4 AM. I got up and cathed I returned to bed in full expectation of getting a few of more winks of sleep soon realized I was done sleeping for the night. I did lay in bed for another hour but finally drag myself up around six, showered and shaved(high and low) and got on deck made coffee and wash the dishes with the new faucet. Everything worked fantastic. I'm so pleased to have a new shower head and a new faucet of my kitchen sink. So why should I not be excited? I am so blessed.

It's not that I'm worried about the lack of sleep I'm experiencing because odd as it is I seem to get along fine during the day. Oh, I do enjoy those days that for one reason or another I do get more four or five hours of sleep– – these days are a gift and I cherish them when they come but I don't expect them. I should try to sleep, nap during the day especially now that I have time during the day where I could but I just don't. It's hard for me. I kind of think I wake up in the early morning, as I do, because I have a full bladder and of course in order to relieve that sensation I have to get up, transferred to my wheelchair and go in open up a catheter for about suited to my penis drain into the bag rinse the bag been pushed back into the bed and transfer. There have been days usually earlier in the night that I'm unable to fall back to sleep but it seems 3:30 AM or later I am too awake to return to slumberland. This was not an issue when I was in the workforce because I could get up get on with my routine, make breakfast and do whatever I get out to work. And everyone knows getting to work early is never frowned upon by your boss – – I would get a leg up on my day. And if nothing else, like when I worked for the state, I could use this time to write which I have to did this time was my blog time this worked out great. I miss this routine and regimentation that my life had. To keep this regimentation now would almost be a heroic effort. I am no hero.

The weather continues to be cool, cooler than expected for this time of year in fact, I consider wearing long for the first time this summer. This truly is discouraging but it's the way that it is and I'm thankful to have long pants and the physical ability to put them on myself. It looks like rain...

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