Sunday, August 24, 2014

Tablesaw and Other Wandering Thoughts

old table saw

The days are finally drying out a little this late Sunday afternoon in late August. We have had monsoon weather all month long great amounts of precipitation for this area of the desert. I have noted this in my Facebook account and everyone seems to respond that it is not weird or strange weather rather than be concerned I should be grateful. Grateful though I am not I feel shortchanged the summer of wetness. There are only so many days of dry hot weather available in any calendar year and I am not satiated yet this year of wet summer days. In fact one day this past week the day was so chilly I wore long pants in the middle of August! It is odd to see the amount of vegetation/greenery there is in the mountains above Salt Lake. Usually this time of year the mountains are dry and usually there is a fire somewhere because the dryness but not this year, this year it's too wet to burn. I suppose this is a blessing and I should take it as that somehow, you know me, I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall. In fall it will, something to do with moisture, and seasonal moisture brought about through global warming.

Our garden continues to produce almost wildly, Dianne harvests three or 4 Yellow crooked neck squash space daily. The eggplants continue to grow as a good children should. In fact yesterday we gave away a whole pot of producing a plant to Gabe and Bridget. I hope they will mature for those two as they have for us. The point being we have produce and now we have to use that produce. So, this morning I made a colossal squash and onion and pepper omelet. I surprised myself with how good the omelet turned out. The omelet looked beautiful one of the best omelets I've ever made and I must admit the omelet tasted pretty good to me as well. I only wish our tomatoes would've done as well. Luckily, however, one of our neighbors has given us a nice bag of tomatoes one of their kids raised. Hopefully, next year our tomatoes will be better.

Yesterday, Bridget Gabe and Asher were over and we hung out outside for a while. They were on their way to Lowes, and Lowe's was one of the places I want to get to this weekend. I'm seriously entertaining the thought of going ahead and purchasing a table saw on a safe and stable platform that would allow me to work on my sticks much safer than I am now. Going to another saw has been a difficult decision for me primarily for the reason that have a perfectly good saw sitting in the garage in the wheelbarrow. I've used this song without incident for the past five or seven years but I must admit the accident Alan Kimball had a few weeks ago with his lathe must give me pause. Dianne is in support of my purchasing this new piece of equipment so I should be gung ho but yet I like back and him slow to make the decision. However with the excursion to the store yesterday I am ready to go the next step and get the tablesaw

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