Saturday, November 18, 2023

Saturday's thoughts

 Well, today was the last good day for the next couple of days. Rain tonight and tomorrow and then the cold front comes down from Canada and might even bring snow to the valley floor but I would be surprised if that happens but just the same the only thing I did with the good weather today what's to run across the street and get a few things to cover me for tomorrow, sunday, and until the precipitation gets it out of its system. I have more than enough food and whatever but sometimes just to make sure I have backup treats I picked up another sack of Ginger Snaps and pretzel sticks. I'm really going through a a thing of pretzel sticks right now nice to have around. As far as real food goes I'm pretty well covered with canned meat up in the closet are covered spam and good old corned beef plus Frozen hamburger in the refrigerator freezer and who knows what else is up there. I have a couple pieces of mystery meat that I should use one of these days. I think it's some sort of pork product but I'm not certain. I think the pork product would fry up nice and perhaps I could use it in some secondary dishes. But that was it as far as traveling. I went up and checked the mail of course but I pretty much stayed in the apartment aside from a couple of garbage runs to make sure I had ample space to get me by until Monday. I'm thinking really heard about what to do about Thanksgiving. I'm not going out anywhere that I'm aware of and I certainly don't want to go through the process of cooking another turkey just for me that was a waste of time and effort and meat. I thought about going to the market again maybe on Wednesday and picking out either Frozen turkey dinner but the elite Upper Crust frozen turkey dinners or maybe just get turkey Frozen like a turkey roast and then make some dressing and such. Trouble is it's always a risk as far as getting a turkey roast it's always ends up being pressed meat, it's turkey that's been pressed into some sort of a shape that fits the package. I've thought about the old standby of buying a breast and cooking it which should be okay but that's a lot of white meat and you still have to mess up the kitchen- - even though it's a mess already. But it would be nice to have some sort of a token Thanksgiving dinner. Now of course the food bank is providing turkey dinners for many folks here at the apartment complex and all over Salt Lake we're talking about thousands of dinners which pretty much rests my case. I appreciate their efforts they do a great job but I've had their Thanksgiving dinner before which left a lot to be desired as well as cold and I guess I could microwave it heated up. I may have to consider that though I have not registered but they always say the they have backup meals for those who didn't registered still wants to dinner for one reason or another. I'm not going to worry about Thanksgiving dinner it's going to come and it's going to go and I just want to make sure I get a piece of pumpkin pie….

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