Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Taming Tuesday

Tonight I'm going to do something cheap and through a responsibility to the wheelchair technicians last seating specialist who was supposed to work on my chair yesterday or even the day before and never got around to it for one reason or another. Yesterday when we talked you indicated he could come today again but it would be late in the day. I was a little concerned but just because if I didn't get the chair worked on today who knows how long it would take before he found more time to work on my chair. So that was part of the reason I scheduled so late because it being Tuesday was the day that I'm in the city at my volunteer/advisory board function at assist i n c. And even though I'm sure I would have been home by 4:00 I made it sound like it was iffy.

We didn't have many names to consider today at the meeting so it was pretty short. I knew I had a lot of time before 4:00 so I stopped off at lunch and got a Reuben sandwich, onion rings and the glass for water which I must admit I'm not proud of but I actually filled it with a watered down version of fruit punch. It's a small cup that's not the point the point is I guess I'm guilty of stealing. I was kind of surprised however that's where I sat I had a full view of the soda dispensary and I wasn't the only one who was getting soda in their water cups. I was hoping they would have made me a half a sandwich instead of a whole sandwich but they wouldn't go for it so I ate half of a Reuben sandwich and then just ate the corned beef off the other half and pretty much let the bread go. And I added onion rings to my order which gave the whole lunch a good crunch. I was able to get home in time to do a complete 60 Minute pump on the bike which gives me 120 minutes now so one more day of 60 minutes and then another day of 30 and I'll have my 200 minutes for the week in the can. I hope this is doing me good I'm sure it is. This evening as I was just trying to figure out something to eat for dinner I got a call from my doctor's office with the results of the urine sample I gave last week. They indicated that Cipro was the best medication for the thing growing inside of me. And then very seriously the caller indicated that I need to follow directions specifically lots of water take the medication on time and don't waver from the path. She says that's important because if you don't the pathogens grow into real monsters more difficult to slay in the future. This of course addled me a little bit. I am hopeful and I'm praying there is some leeway into this particular regimen because I have been having a hard time remembering to take this medication exactly 12 hours apart. I just sort of get into the general time slots and I take it with maybe a half a glass of water not the full big glass of water she would like me to take and then just pump more water through the whole procedure of the day. I don't know what she's thinking I mean it's hard enough to pee two or three times a day but to add just more fluid to the whole process I just don't know if I can do that. Then she indicated that I need to be doing rest for this medication to work at its best. That was the first time I heard this and I've been Trucking all over today anyway. So maybe I'll have to take it easy the rest of the week with the exception of Thursday when I have to do the dental appointment that's just across the street I should be okay. Maybe I'm just the impassive-aggressive but I sure don't want to be growing monsters not at all

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