Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thursday feels like Sunday

 It Feels Like Sunday. I have to keep reminding myself every time I think about tomorrow that tomorrow is actually Friday and not Monday if that makes any sense. Well there is more action than I anticipated I would experience this Thanksgiving. I was contacted early on by Marc Anthony indicating he wanted to come over as well as the kids. Which was fine with me but at the same time I was pretty highly motivated to put my idea of two TV dinners mixed together into motion. Remember last night or yesterday afternoon when my home health person is here she actually put together my green bean casserole so all I had to do was put that in the oven and cook it for a while and I was also at the same time trying to figure out how to do the sweet potato casserole. I had actually found a can of sweet potatoes for my neighbor and so I was kind of jazzed for that so I wanted to have my lunch around 12:00 noon so they said the kids wouldn't come over till a little bit later.

I don't know if I'll try this ever again but it certainly was doable. I figured what I would do was to cook each microwave dinner halfway through then dump the contents of each dinner on a plate the same plate then microwave the whole plate until it was good and hot and edible. I cooked them at first about 4 minutes what are the dinners got fairly done and the other one still had a block of ice that look like for the mashed potatoes. It took a while of microwaving and a whole lot of faith and Hope but by the time I had microwave for about 7 to 10 minutes the concoction was boiling down to a fairly recognizable dinner of turkey Parts mashed potatoes and a little bit of dressing. There was so much food on the plate I never did get a chance to really serve up any green bean casserole and I sort of gave up a totally on the sweet candied yams. I just didn't have any brown sugar and it looked pretty complicated but I did put together something I found an 8x8 pan deep in my closet and just dump the whole can of yams that have sweet juice with them into the pan then dumped a bunch of ancient marshmallows I've had forever on top my mistake was there was too much juice in the candy jams so it was very soupy and I didn't even want to try to lift that out of the oven I think I'll have Melissa do that tomorrow when she gets here and then put the whole kitten Kaboodle down the the disposal. It's no great loss and I had a fairly decent Thanksgiving dinner. It wasn't beautiful and it wasn't a bunch of Turkey and photo perfect mashed potatoes and gravy as well as dressing and cranberries but it was enough to get the whole concept across and not break my back with time spent trying to prepare and then trying to save afterwards. As I indicated, I have enough left over to have one more meal particularly if I were to warm up some green bean casserole and I still have the box of stove top dressing that I purchased for backup. If I had more turkey parts I would probably shoot for another total meal but as it is I'll just have what's left. It will taste great. The only thing I did not get was pumpkin pie and whipped cream or whatever. That would have been perfect and I guess I could have ran over and cut the pie but I just sort of wanted someone to bring me a piece of pie is that too weird? Jasmine was talking like she was going to bring me over some pie but I don't think that came about. They were going over to her mom's families place and I think Jackson's as well and they were going to try to score the pie then but like I said I have not heard anything and it's just as well I'm sure I put enough calories on this week just as it is. Luckily I did not get much damage done to the kitchen so it's still relatively in good shape. It's going to be severely cold the next couple of days so I don't plan to be out anymore than I have to. But Dianne flew in today and I think I'm going to have to meet her and Amy for lunch tomorrow down in Midtown area almost 30th South. I imagine it'll be cold but it'll be nice too see the people. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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