Tuesday, January 01, 2019

2019 Day One

You know that temporal confusion he used to get on national holidays when you're going to gradeschool about what day that it was because the holidays seem to just stop time flow? I have been experiencing that feeling today worse than usual. I feel like Sunday and that's okay I don't have a problem with that it's just that I usually don't have the confusion that I've been suffering today.

January 1! Went to bed early last night probably start try to that didn't work out I don't think I really even got the sleep function till about 12:30 AM. Truth be told I forgot that it was New Year's Eve and went to bed I started the process around 1030. I was reading when I heard the fireworks start exploding and the noise increased a little bit around the apartment complex. For the most part the other apartment owners were I'm sure fast asleep. This morning about midmorning I rolled down the sharing shelf see if there'd been any donations made. There is a bit of a commotion at the front of what sounded like the front of the building. I ran into a couple of folks wish them a happy new year. I was then button hooked by freeze head dork face Who proceeded to whisper to me that there is going to be a lunch in the common room at noon  for just a few select  residents aPlace her namend the Resident Assistant/RA specifically charged freeze head dork face to invite me this event. I really didn't feel like attending such an event and I really had some qualms Supporting a selective group. I kind a suggested I would attend.

Around 11:45 AM I wandered down to the common room area just to see what was going on and there is a fairly large group of residents milling about the common room area which basically meant they were coming to the lunch which sort of made me all of a sudden grow cold on the idea of having once again with a group of folks I had little in common. I looked out the window of the front door of the building and saw the sun shining brightly reflected off the snow and knew I had to go to the market pick up fruit and vegetables for the week. It worked for me. I'm kind of embarrassed that I copped out so royally on the event but not really I'm just better had someplace to go.

I don't have a bunch of resolutions for this year I don't want to fail that poorly. However I am going to commit to losing some weight. I'm also going to commit to doing some kind of a business of some sort. I been thinking a lot about doing another group of broadcasts which I guess in reality our podcasts. I shared with Elske my idea that I would would like to interview a number of folk here at the apartment complex just to get their story is are so interesting to me. This a be a great project I think I can get some funding for this as well five played my cards right. I'm going to contact Marion Willey and may be some of the others who work there and see about setting up a process to interview residents another facilities. I would be interested in seeing how far this could go. Elske was interested in it not that's only thing I have to prove her please but you never know. I like her she's fun little crazy but we've got quite a buffer between us there ain't gonna be no drop-in's here… Hello 2019

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