Thursday, January 03, 2019

Cold Days Warm Project


The days are cold which is not surprising it is January. It's a cold snap which again I guess is natural. It's Thursday library day today am supposed to be over at the library sitting in that the reading group. I did, really for the first time, call and let them know that I wasn't coming for the book group today. Really it's not that big a deal I don't think they would've cared when were the other. But I am so full of myself that I've needed to let them know. All week, during this cold snap, I felt on the verge of becoming significantly ill. There were times when I felt a scratch in my throat or slightly a sharp jabbing pain when I swallowed. I have learned enough in my past life to know that this is a precursor to a cold or a bout of flu. I've also had fluttering did my chest almost coughing again which is significant to me of an impending cold. I've noticed in the last couple days when I have had to go out that the symptoms become a bit more pronounced as well is feeling just exhausted from the exposure from the cold temperatures. When I tried to complain about this this morning at coffee the other seniors in the room just looked at me sidewise indicating that you wear shorts in the middle winter what he expect? I mean seriously just because you have some fabric around your legs which constitute pants makes the day warm enough to not worry about catching cold? I don't think so and I've started wrapping my legs in blankets or comforter or something to keep the cold from seeping in and letting it does really good job. I admit there's a trade-off between looking geriatric totally and comfort suppose I opt out for comfort.

The lady I have pictured today at the front of the blog is LaDonna, this is not her real name of course I can make myself sound official by saying I change the name to protect her identity but in actuality I've forgotten her name. Anyway, I'm going to use this person as my first interview for my legacy project. I've not really talked too much about the legacy project but essentially it will be interviewing residents here at the apartment complex for posterity. I'm not sure if I'm going to broadcast these interviews as I did with my work interviews with Access Utah Network. I certainly want whatever I do to be available to the families of these individuals before they pass on our after they pass on. I'm just selfish enough to want these interviews for myself because I think the fascinating. I decide to go ahead with this today I been thinking about for some time but I was visiting with LaDonna at the coffee group and she shared with me that next week she'll be 90 years old. Unbelievable. I know I visited with her Thanksgiving and she was actually in Pearl Harbor are in Hawaii when Pearl Harbor was bombed at the onset of the war. This lady just gave up her cute little Volkswagen beetle and she still has a drivers license that says she will continue to maintain but she's just not good drive is much anymore. I spoke with the social worker here at the apartments but she thinks it's a great idea. I'm going to see if I can get some sort of funding are stipend or some sort to get some equipment for the project I may visit with Mark. But I would still need someone to help me produce the end result. This three or four folks I want to start with immediately but I'm going to go slow. I can use the laptop that I bought from Mark Anthony couple months ago and set up studio in the library are on the third floor of the building any of those places would be cool the left to see how this goes

The days are cold but the excitement of a new project keeps me warm looking forward to the coming days…

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