Friday, January 11, 2019

Happy Friday!

Without sitting down and doing the math I cannot tell you how long I have been retired. It's been years to say the least less than 10 years that I know but somewhere in there for five years I've been kind of free as a bird living on my own, again. Still however am pleased to announce that Fridays are still Friday's to me. The signal to the end of a week and all the potential that a weekend might render. I'm sure I've rattled on about this before somewhere in this blog but still cannot get over the sanctity of Friday. Winter,,spring, summer or fall, a collective sigh is felt and I feel my self being re-energized with the potential of the weekend.

In grade school there was usually asleep overnight when you're able to spend the night at your best friends place, have dinner with their family enjoy the exotic rich aromas of their home. Enjoy their pieces of technology that your family will not experience for two or three more years. feeling awkward as you sync into the ebb and flow of their family ritual trying not to be too obtuse.

In high school there was usually a athletic function going on somewhere related to your school and if it was in the city you are usually allowed to attend if you could convince her parents that it was not too much of a hindrance to them. Money had to be bagged, transportation had to be provided and secured it seemed busy and things had to be completed for a positive productive Friday night.

In college/university Friday was a welcome break except for many professors enjoyed expressing pop quizzes and exams on Friday but still the pressure was off on Friday night was a night to kick back and relax. Often trying to find a date taken a movie go to dinner or just hang with a group of friends to enjoy the ease of pressure.

In young adulthood, Friday night was the time to regroup maybe get a babysitter had out with some friends enjoy some time together. Pizza, hamburgers out for Chinese. Taking kids to sleepovers or hosting sleepovers. Taking a break in the evening to get a jump on the weekend.

I've always loved my Fridays especially Friday mornings. When I can but try to make a point not to have anything going on a Friday so I can kick back maybe schedule lunch with a friend or just start a couple loads early at the laundry if I can find a front loader that's not being used.In fact I tried to do my wash this afternoon but was blocked by his family in the apartments who are renowned for doing mega washes on one day a week usually taking over the machines all day it seems like. Hopefully, there finished. The evening is still young enough for me to consider gathering up my laundry running down throwing them load in getting the jump on a Saturday, tomorrow complete and full of hope.

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