Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cold Days – Cold Ways

It's cold again – really cold. The weather guy said, the temperature did not get above freezing all Day and I believe it. I was hoping not to have to leave the confines of my warm apartment all day. I had already decided I would forgo the pleasure of food bank for today. I have more than the provisions in my food closet/pantry and freezer to last me until the end of the month if not longer. I did however venture out into the cold to go across the street to the market and pick up a few things I felt that I needed before Monday. I really am trying to do this thing about limiting the amount of things I do on Sundays. I guess you could say I'm trying to keep the day holy – – but I'm not really trying to do that at least is not my focus just trying to keep the day that I don't purchase anything.

Management has put limiters on our furnaces here at the apartment complex. It's not like they're forcing us to live at 68°. However, the thermostats top out at 75° and really I should be able to live at 75°. It's not necessarily balmy the way I like. However, 75° is relatively comfortable. I was kind surprised because I am not the only person who noticed this phenomenon. We talked about a little bit at the coffee function on Thursday and then I brought it up with the new maintenance guy the other day when he stopped by to help me with my return package. Since the apartments pay for the heat I can't really complain too much is just interesting I think.

I almost went to the movies today even in the cold. Between the leg wraps I got from Dianne for Christmas (Carl did some tailoring on my poncho leg wrap). And my stockingcap I found on the way home A couple weeks ago.There were a number reasons I didn't like to go to the movies but the one I sort of held on to Was I want to be here when my cleaning person comes to do the apartment. She didn't make it yesterday and I knew that was going to happen because we talked about it in the morning. I told her she could skip Friday but would do Saturday. I did not have a problem with that I still don't however Annette did not show up. I guess I could've called but I did make the effort. I don't mind holding onto the 30 bucks for a few more days. It's just weird she's usually very dependable but at times she gets borderline ditzy, most the time it's not a problem. And I don't know if I would've gone to the movies given the opportunity. There really is nothing on that I really would be interested

So it goes, another Saturday that I particularly don't do anything to speak of except enjoy the sanctity of my apartment. We have another couple of days forecast of cold temperatures and am okay with that. The only problem I don't necessarily generate a lot of material to blog about when I hold up in my apartment away from the Ying Yang of the world.…

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