Thursday, December 19, 2019

One More Holiday Function

Image may contain: one or more people and eyeglasses

Every time I go into the area online where my blog is kept I get irritated. I go back as far as I can which is December 31, 2005. Blogger says that's when I started blogging but I know that it's not I started years before. I don't know what years means three for five years before. I started blogging, really when we're in the old building just off fifth East the building we shared with Department Determination Services DDS of the Social Security Administration. The reason I know this is because that's when I started working with the state in 1998. I transitioned from the independent living center. I kept a journal on my computer but that journal was not a blog. Sadly I lost the journal somewhere along the line. And I didn't start blogging today took over the reign of Access Utah Network. I had access to the Internet! I had a T1 connection it was fast. I spent my days when not on the phone answering questions cruising around the Internet and that's when I first became exposed to blogs. I'd been hearing of blogs but I wasn't quite sure what I was reading were blogs. I soon figured out they were. I wasn't sure what I was doing when I started my first blog. I'd gotten involved in reading the blog of a young medical student who I followed through the last of her medical school and then her training, residency in turn etc. Soon had taken off as a full-fledged blogger. I'm sure about like this before somewhere in this blog possibly numerous times but my main goal on the blog was to write 500 words a day, every day. I did pretty well I've done pretty well. The writing the 500 words used to threaten me because I'm not sure if I would be able to fulfill that personal commitment to myself and come up with 500 words of content. However, I've done pretty well I believe over the years.

Nobody reads my blog and that's okay. I probably have about seven or eight readers that are constant family members in such then I have a group of friends that periodically dip into the blog. Every once in a while somebody leaves a comment. But it's out there every day something new or kind of new. I have over 3000 posts now and that is significant to me. This tells me I could write a book (like I know I could write a book I just didn't know if I could be consistent posting which is like being consistent writing so I know I can do it now). So, I guess I can stop blogging but I don't think that's going to happen. Blogging, journalizing is my lifeblood. I don't feel accomplished now, especially in my “golden years” unless I blog for the day. Dianne, my best friend, says my blog makes her laugh and that makes me happy. Not that I'm a nice guy is important to me that someone thinks I'm funny, I guess. I don't know if Dianne reads every day, but she probably does, this something to read she's on it she's incredibly brilliant. So smart.

Today, once again I starred as Santa Claus,At the independent living center annual holiday function. I've done this every year for over 20 years, at least. I basically sit there have a person come up wish them a Merry Christmas and stuff whatever the shop pass from me to give them this year today was little cups of putting with pipe cleaner antlers sticking out. I hope we were not in violation is some sort of OSHA regulations. I enjoy the assignment. I enjoying meeting my old workmates and seeing them once again and thankful that they're still around and that I'm still around in that we all continued to talk to each other. Change is the only constant but the Christmas function hardly ever changes I don't know how that fits in the paradigm but it does. We had a real meal this year, not that we have not had in previous years but sometimes it's been really reaching. Today was a ham dinner with sliced ham (real ham not that pressed mystery meet ham stuff). The men felt somewhat rushed in a bit more chaotic than usual just because there was 150 new people touring the building today but I think we fed them all and we fed them well.…

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