Monday, December 23, 2019

God Bless Us… Every One

I'm pretty much done Christmas for this year. It's not like I do a whole lot for Christmas any year. Think I've got over more than once by the fact that I'm a poor gifter. I know doubt blame it on my childhood, and impoverished family or maybe it's just that I never really learned to manage money, I'm still trying to pick up that skill set. What I remember was that I, personally,Had such little income that when it came time to spend that money on somebody else I just couldn't do it. In most cases I did not have the money to spend. If I remember right but money I did spend for family members came from my mom.

I'm kind of embarrassed because other people spend all kinds of funding on me and all I can do is Horde. Case in point. This year when of my best friends gave me 100 bucks for Christmas! This is only happened one other time that from one of my coworkers at one of my jobs couldn't figure out a present for me then in the last minute moment of frustration thrust five $20 bills on me it blew me away. I'm trying to figure out how much to pay my home health person for Christmas bonus. I finally settled on 20 bucks with one of my clearance Christmas cards. You have more than enough just from my friends gift alone the cover that and other options for family members or friends. However, I did use or at least broke the hundred dollar bill grocery shopping. Shopping for my Christmas week purchasing things I would seldom get independently. Deluxe mixed nuts for example. I went to Walmart looking for roast, that's right you heard me a roast beef. I went to Walmart thinking I would get a good deal but what I saw was overpriced and very little choice compared to what I could've gotten from the local market across the street from my apartment complex. I will check them out tomorrow before the storm. Yep, were getting a Christmas storm not much but wind, rain and snow. I would just as soon stay in. But I promised myself roast beef for Christmas – – I'm thinking Charles Dickens and an English Christmas dinner though, Bob Cratchit gotta stripling goose, the one hanging in the window I had not been sold yet, the one as big as the boy sent to purchase. Day before yesterday I bought two bags of potato chips for my holiday week treat. It's probably good that my dentist gave me a bottle of spiked eggnog (which is quite good with coffee). It's a good thing it be difficult for me to go to the Glasshouse at this point in time. I'd hate to try to bring home two or three bottles of liquor on public transport. I'm not too worried about being mugged is but does I'm afraid of intoxicating breakage. Dianne informed me I still had a number of bottles of hooch at the house. I doubt if I'll get any of that by Christmas who knows what will happen my New Year's.

I'm done. I still have three, five dollar McDonald's gift cards. Three or four visa bank gift cards from my credit union. These would go to family members probably for Christmas gifts unless I default just send them either Amazon gift certificates or some other Internet option which allows me to do a “quality” gift via the Internet and nearly immediately. The only drawback is the receiver has to do the purchase than wait for the gift to come unless they choose to use the gift card for purchasing an online movie which I guess is it's a bad. Still, it's not like having to dress warm and venture out into the world in battle with all the other Christmas shoppers finding that perfect gift for that perfect person…

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