Friday, December 20, 2019

My "Precious"

I was going to write about my friend Tom Cantrell and hot and this I was of him when I was growing up in his affinity for tobacco or at least one pipe and a girlfriend who sent him a card the cigarettes one Christmas to his locker. I just thought that was so cool. However, an event happened during the day I just can't shake.

Really a new week is a notice on the manager's door requesting people who had heaters to return them to the office. It seems like I wrote about this earlier but when I first received this item during the summer I'd requested a cooling device and this is what I got. Later I found out that it actually also worked as a heater. I've been using it ever since. I should've returned the machine as soon as maintenance got my air-conditioner maintained and operational but I liked the device so much that I just hung onto it. Anyway with just a little bit the guilt I decided to fess up to the manager that I still have my errant heating and cooling device which I did. Her name is Jennifer and she's a great manager. Jennifer of course had forgotten that I had the unit and asked if I still needed at. I was honest and said no but I sure enjoy it she said well go ahead and keep it until we need it no big deal. The sound good to me, since I could take the bank… Or so I thought.

This evening I was doing the wash in the wanderer is right next to the manager's office. It was after hours so Jennifer was gone and the on-site R/A resident advisor whose name is Diana. It's her job to fill in for Jennifer and her absence or overnight or on weekends. Diana and I have always seem to get along together. She's significantly older than I am and I guess she does a fairly decent job as the R/A. Anyway, I was a bit taken aback when as I passed her she stopped and turned around and called my name but of course I responded. She informed me that I needed to relinquish the heater as soon as I could. I advised Diana that I'd spoken already with Jennifer and Jennifer said it was all right for me to keep this piece of equipment. Thus when Diana said to con you know the power trip motif which Jessica can irritated me. Because in all honesty I really ready to give up the heater. And truth be told I'm kind of looking into purchasing my own glad you like the heat during the winter it provides will I work my computer station. So, identify be taken the stupid thing back tonight had my cleaning person not dropped my clothes in the cleaning water will she was washing my blinds. The gloves were soaked so now I'm using the heater as a dryer. So tomorrow, I will take the heater down to Diana's apartment and be rid of the equipment. I'm halfway tempted to hold onto it until Monday when Jennifer should be back in her office and return it to Jennifer. I always want to have Diana write me a receipt but I don't know if that will give her all defensive. What a pain.

I don't know why I want to attack the poor lady, which am sure she feels is just doing her job. It was interesting that Jennifer remarked when I advised her that I still had the heater that I was the only one who'd responded in this fashion. I thought that was peculiar. I mean I continue to fantasize all these weird scenarios where I stick it to her for taking my heater I don't even want the heater. I don't even need the heater I just kind of got addicted to it like opioids. It's my “Precious” and Diana is good old Bilbo…

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