Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Tres Hombres

The weather is finally turn cold, not bone chilling cold well I guess if you stay out in the elements for any extended period of time. Kind of cold that let you know who's boss. I'm now wearing a black flannel scrap I don't remember where I picked it up at but I am wrapping the scrapped flannel around my legs. I know it seems a bit contradictory am sure to the casual viewer that hears this guy in a wheelchair wearing summer shorts but chooses to wrap his legs with flannel cloth , makes sense to me and makes me feel warm and that's what's important, right? I feel the cold now. Even though I'm wrapped up from my legs to my head even wearing stocking I feel great relief when I roll into my apartment at the end of the day. It's funny how the cold weather makes me feel tired.

Today I had lunch Dianne, probably my best friend, I really enjoyed the time we spend together talking and gossiping about everybody that we know. Today, we had lunch at Morelia's our favorite American Mex restaurant. I know I've written about this place before we been going there for years. Today we used Dianne's son's birthday as our justification. David, is the owner or part owner I think shares ownership with his sister. David always looks very concerned when he sees is now. It's always glad to see us I know that but is not happy at all that we divorced and I sense is always giving us the stink eye whenever we come in sure we haven't puzzled the unbelief. In order for me to get to Morelia's I have to catch two different buses. If I'm lucky I can make the trip in an hour which pleases me greatly. I suppose, if I really wanted to I could actually drive my chair from the train station all the way to the a restaurant which is about 10 blocks. I'm pretty sure I'm sure that my chair would make it especially if I had charged the chair all night but at this juncture I do not want to put any more stress on this chair's electrical systems are mechanical systems that I have to.

I got to the final bus stop very close to the restaurant about an hour before our date. I needed to go to the Burlington Coat Factory to see what was available hat wise. They had no hats that I was interested in but that's okay I was killing time. It worked, I entertained myself for the 45 minutes I needed. I'm always amazed when I go to this place because they offer so much more than coats.

Yesterday while riding the train I shared the train with this dog who had two guys. The dog knew what he was doing I wasn't sure if this is if his people did. Like I said the days of turn cold and we all are now wearing coats of one sort or another. I'm just glad the dog had coats for his people. I could tell this dog really cared…

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