Monday, December 16, 2019

Getting In The Mood…

It's cold now along the Wasatch front. Fall definitely now is nearly over In today's see more and more winter like. The best take away is that the cold temperature mixed with what moisture we have in the air is been cause for snow which has not been much (thank goodness) but enough to really get the feeling that Christmas is nearly here in the season is upon us. The time for me to want to be inside, homebound heater turned up (since I don't have a fireplace with a roaring fire) and just enjoying each day. Unable to do that to some degree just try not to let my conscious feel too guilty for not doing more for folks a Christmas. Actually, I think of written about the fact that I am a poor gifter.

I spoke with my son, Mark Anthony, tonight who in the course the conversation Was advising me about some family issues revolving around his daughter's birthday which was yesterday. That's right, my granddaughter, Jasmine had a birthday and of course I had no idea. I'm surprised I did not have this documented in Facebook one where the other. And I'll honestly I don't know what I would've done had I had a heads up that her birthday was imminent. I don't know why I just do not do well with these things. Now my brother Carl, is quite the role model he gives his grandkids cars for significant events of their lives. Carl truly is a role model. He totally blows my argument and possible copout that the grandfather doesn't do major events well. That celebrating these occasions is up to the grandmother. Dianne does this kind of support 100 times better than I.

There really is no excuse not in this day of electronics and multimedia. Amazon makes gifting easy not only for the purchase but to the delivery. Anything a person can think of our purchase could be delivered if you had the right address. Of course one has to worry about porch Pirates and if that were an issue I can always do the gifting copout of purchasing and emailing the grandchild a gift card for anything. Even just to get a to Amazon then let the drink you go wild within the constraints of the limits of the card. The gift card is truly the easiest and most antiseptic of the gifting solution. It lets the individual no that even if you forgot about them on their day he still thought enough of them to send the gift. In fact, I think I will do that. I already have sent gift cards as Christmas presents to one set of grandkids so and Amazon e-card should work as well.

I don't know how grandmothers do it. I have between four and six grandchildren and I cannot for the life of me keep track. My mother had grandkids for the double digits great grand kids in the triple digits and she seemed remember all of them even if it was just a card that's more than I've done. In my defense, if there be any, the stamp cost two cents in those days now it's half a dollar but there forever just like the birthdays…

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