Monday, December 30, 2019

Tech Storm

It is going to be one of those technology weeks, I can just feel it now. I bet uncomfortably cold all day in my apartment. The thermometer reads 68° which is not one of my better temperatures for winter. I've complained twice. This time the manager assured me that the system had just been turned on. Did had some issues with the water (?) But now is fixed and soon will be back to temperature. This made sense to be and I went back to my apartment and tried to be productive. I chased down the dietitian supposed to meet with and define a diet which will allow me to combat pre-diabetes. I don't know if it'll do any good however wouldn't bite something that would really help me lose weight. Three or four hours after my initial inquiry as to heat I wandered into my manager's office again, which by the way was a great deal warmer than it was five first visited which led me to believe something is going on positively, and said that I had lost a degree in the temperature. She said this is just normal and it would take a while for the water in the pipes, or whatever, to heat up. It's now been four hours pass that time and still the same temperature. I'm wearing one of my ponchos But didn't help much in my enjoyment of a Brad Pitt movie I just watched. It had potential to could've been so much better. It was science fiction however and usually any science fiction is better than no science fiction.

Once again my wheelchair is in need of repair. The switch on the footplate elevator is once again broken. This means that my foot box will go down but not raise up again and talk back in to the chair. Displease my feet extended to a point that I really can't do anything that I have to be close to something like wash dishes, shape my face, pump my arm bike. Was on the commode this morning waiting for my suppository to work I had my home health person drive my chair up to me where I can work with it and I found it was the same switch that I'd broke two or three months ago. This is not a good sign technology is against me. Not only is this uncomfortable and dressing is a challenge this causes me to put my weight on my rights) feel the pressure on my butt which is in good. My home health person put on a pretty good bandage/second skin on the hip this morning. This will help a little. I called my wheelchair shop and really wanted to get in today. I did have a plan that I was just go to show up and force them to work on the chair but like a dummy I called and gave him a warning which they told me of course they couldn't overcome my chair today but tomorrow yes. So I have an appointment tomorrow at 9 AM. This'll cause some challenges that hopefully I can get my chair operational by the new year. I thought perhaps I can transfer into my backup chair but of course that really is a no go because the footplate on that share does not work as well. I really try not to take umbrage at these events but the all our technology and the all directly affect me. I have to keep reminding myself that the chair could be inoperable on a whole lot different areas which would greatly affect my ability to get on with my life. So I'm thankful that even though I'm in the technology storm the technology does not seem to be operationally against me and perhaps that's best

It's doing 9 PM when I can justify hit the sack and reading for an hour. Have multiple blankets on my bed one of which is sort of a space-age blanket that Dianne gave me, Some toasty warm once I get into bed and get situated. I'm just praying that my bed will not go after me. I'll just make sure I have my cell phone in the fire department on fast dial

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