Wednesday, December 25, 2019


What a fantastic day! A skiff of snow in the morning when my home health person came and got me showered and ready for the day. It's overcast, but not really cold, but that's okay because I've got nowhere to go. The buses are not running today I suppose I could do a taxi but I haven't really thought that through but I'm just about finished preparing my Christmas dinner! I've had such a good time preparing my lunch/dinner. Up at the roast on little after eight to it's about finished with beautiful vegetables and I just put the green bean casserole in the oven getting it finished that should be about it. Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots and casserole white, brown, orange and green of got all the color groups in their. I guess I could open up a can of pickled beets which be really good but I don't know if I need a red in there. It would be nice to have something sweet white cake or pie are even Jell-O but I didn't get that much done that's okay I'm going crazy on calories anyway.

I didn't do the pickled beets and now I'm glad that I didn't. However, I probably ingested enough calories for three days! The roast was dynamically good, as with the vegetables especially the potatoes, however the Tate is the food bank – – the frozen mashed potatoes – – were marginal. I had a little bit of moisture (I scooped the vegetables out at the end of the cooking process and through in a can of Campbell's beef gravy which really did a great job I was kind of surprised. I did everything cool and then piled all the leftovers and no one long plastic container which I think will give me options for roast beef sandwiches (cold) hot rest beef sandwiches, and perhaps my favorite roast beef hash using all the vegetables left over from the roasting process and maybe a new potato baked and added to the mess and another can of gravy. I'm really begin to like that whole gravy thing In a can it just gives you so many options. I just visited with Dianne who actually made a pecan pie and a pumpkin pie for her holiday dinner and I am just almost motivated to construct an apple pie are pumpkin pie. I have the makings for both except for the piecrust and I could consider making something like that. Only problem is I don't need the calories. But then again it's Christmas – – what a lame excuse.

West much as I love spending time writing in my blog especially on holiday evenings. Cannot ignore the fact that I spent all afternoon trashing my kitchen making something wonderful but bashing just the same. I also expecting company from what I got a email earlier in the day from my son threatening to come over for the annual Christmas visit. It's almost 7 o'clock I expect he will be coming but I want to be able to get a little order back to my kitchen area before he does so I don't look like a total heathen.

For the few and the brave faithful readers– – MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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