Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

Garden Rabbit by Jane Crowther. Design for Bug Art greeting cards.
This is not the Easter Bunny but one of the rabbits from WaterShip Down it just seemed appropriate. Happy Easter everyone

I am really ready for this pandemic to start winding down. The novelty of home isolation and social distancing is pretty much run its course. I don't think I'm getting stir crazy per say because I have good interaction thanks to the Internet but I do have to admit I'm getting more and more concerned about what is going to be the result once this thing is passed. Already, I've noticed that UTA is cutting back its bus service which is going to impact me one where the other. I know this sounds very selfish and self-serving but it's true I am nothing without my transportation. Not that meetings I attend will probably ever be the same. Bureaucracies learn to get by with technology specifically with software like Zoom. Zoom has lots of problems that seem to be working and I think they will get those bugs worked out of the system and soon nobody will be meeting face-to-face anymore. Bureaucracies state and federal will save boatloads of money on travel and feeding the parasites who people the boards (I can say this because I'm one of them). Maybe I'll feel different once this cold spell that of Me cooped up in the apartment passes and I will at least be able to get out to the parking lot to read and out to the park to hang out in the sunshine.

Yesterday my cleaning person was over and I had her get down my giant box of photographs and photo albums in various states of disintegration. I really want to try to organize that pile documentation into something somewhat usable. I had her put it on the table and I just haven't had the energy are will to dive into it. I don't know where to start. The task seems overwhelming. Maybe I'll put it back up on the shelf and wait till cold weather arrives again to give me something to do while cooped up due to the cold. It's Easter Sunday but been very quiet here at the apartments of course. The high point of my day was Dianne coming over and delivering some treats from Harbor freight and hunks of her Easter ham and a great cookie. Pretty excited about the Easter ham however, I did have a small quarter of a ham sliced which is sliced and wrapped. The kind slicing it makes a perfect ham sandwich or something else that flat pieces of hand can be used for possibly scalloped potatoes but that's about all I think. I suppose it could be used for ham and bean soup or just ham and beans. Even though the ham is great and tasty the fine red meat just does not feel like real ham so Dianne's gift is greatly appreciated and very well may end up in some ham and cabbage casserole. I think I have all the things I need for it.

Tomorrow's Monday, ho-hum Monday, it's another day in the neighborhood if your social distancing. However, I will at least have my arm bike to look forward to – 40 minute Monday just maybe I can start working out on my rickshaw again. Even if it's cold outside, relatively speaking, I can push the weights down little bit. Then I write my blog and journal and enjoy the week. Hope this is not too despondent as I'm not it's just it's hard to write when all you have is your memories you can get out and make more…

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