Tuesday, April 14, 2020


I really wanted to strap on my mask head out the door drive down the sidewalk to the bus stop and ride into the Costco down on State Street. I had an excuse, had a good reason had driven over my glasses earlier in the week and were put together by my home health person, Annette. Costco does not open until 10 AM but I straight a head out the door at 8 AM. I checked route 47, the bus I would need, and they're running on 30 minute headways at 55 minutes past the hour and 25 minutes past the hour. In my head I figured I had adequate reason to be out in public, out in the world out in the virus.

I was trying to think of things to absorb the time So that I would get to the store by the time the store opened. I thought about doing my physical workout but that would put too much pressure. Somewhere during that time my phone rang and I was not able to get to it in time, of course. Somewhere in the back of my mind I had gotten the feeling that I had an appointment that I had either missed I was coming soon. In fact somewhere I was even notified about some appointment with my main Doc, Dr. Reddy. When I checked my calendars nothing showed up but still something worried the back of my mind something was due. For some reason I am not able to check messages left on my answering machine. I think it's something do with invading apps. However the phone number that I was not able to get to looked familiar to the point that I decided I'd return the call and sure enough it was my doctor's office. I finally got through on a number other than the one I was called on but that person told me that it was probably my doc's receptionist calling about tomorrow's appointment, but she would have the person who is my doctors receptionist, back. Now, I had a reason to stay home and work out at least until I got the phone call. Sure enough three force the way through my workout I got the phone call and could not answer the phone in time.When I was finally able to get through to the office I found that my doctor is not having people come in but will do a Tele – appointment. Essentially I will wait around until 10 o'clock when she'll call me.

Dr. Reddy thinks this virus is bad enough that she is rescheduling over patients to Internet/phone call appointments – – I know it's not just ready it's probably policy from Intermountain medical Center – – but enough caution that I started rethinking do I really need to go out, on the bus on this beautiful spring day? I had been getting by with the jerryrigged repair that Annette did on Monday but I dropped my glasses last night I must've ran over them again unknowingly because the lens was out this morning as they were laying on the floor by my chair and matter what I did I could not get the lens back in the eyepiece. This was motivating me to saddle up. However, I dug out my backup glasses – – the last prescription I had and I actually get but I with those specs. This certainly not as nice and less proficient as my currently prescription But the glasses are wearable and will get me by. I really don't need to go in. I can just hunker down for another day in the apartment and patiently wait for this scourge to pass…

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