Thursday, April 09, 2020

The Noble Lilac

Common Purple Lilac
It's spring and depending where one roles in his power chair one can be immersed in the cacophony of aromas, scents of spring as the trees surrounded my apartment complex seemed to burst into bloom. The tree across the way from my apartment is now completely out. I was a little concerned at first because the trees seem to lack behind the others here at the complex but now he she is in full regalia spraying and Easter. I have yet to roll past a lilac bush but soon I know that I will when that happens I'll be instantly transported back to my life on the farm.

I love lilacs even though I should have a hatred toward this beautiful scented shrub. The plant is just perfect in my estimation from its almost deciduous leaves small but effective to its overwhelming aroma when in bloom. We had to arrays of lilacs one to the northwest of our house and went directly east. The one east of a house was on the north side of the garage, we had detached garage which also acted as a storage shed. The lilacs formed a natural tunnel on the side of the garage out to the garden when the leaves are out. The lilacs on the northwest side of the house were a bunch of lilacs that went from the house north to the property line about 5 yards. Beautiful purple and white clusters of flowers hung from the branches like grapes. Lilacs were one of the only flowers I remember actually adorning our home. I'm sure there are other flowers that mom harvested or someone else did in cut and put on display that I don't remember them but I do remember cut lilacs in fact I cut a lot of those and brought into the house then my mother would arrange them. I was good at cutting lilacs because I don't know if it was a favorite of my mother's favorite disciplinary regimen. I can remember any number of times I was tasked with going out Lilac bushes and cutting a switch. Lilacs, it seems, yearly sends our rummers, new branches coming up from the ground if let grow will turn into another Bush. If harvested just right when the runners about 10 to 12 inches in length are little bit longer makes a perfect switch that hurts like hell when applied with enough force to the back legs which happen to be more than once a summer it seemed like. Even with that kind of thought process I still love the plant.

I don't really know of any lilac bushes close by the apartments But the weather's nice enough I will go searching the neighborhood to see if I can find any bushes whose owners might let me have a cutting or two. I guess a worst-case scenario I can actually traverse over to the old neighborhood ride do know there are some lilacs close by the house. Talk is cheap and I don't know if I really well go on such a quest but a noble quest that would be In a good reason to be out with my mask trying to be socially appropriate in distance from the rest of the world…

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