Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Its A Wonderful Life

Like an exceptionally cold winter this plague of Covid 19, I think is beginning to break up and move on, but like said winter it slow very slow. However, it seems infections are becoming fewer as are the deaths secondary to this disease. This means that possibly there is light at the end of this tunnel. I'm sensing this and I get the feeling that others are as well. On the national scene many are anxious for the epidemic and for political reasons, economic reasons and possibly for humane reasons as well. I try to get feeling that a lot of folks feel that things are going to be back to normal just like they used to be but I kind of don't think that's going to happen. This engine is huge machine of human productivity/economy is one big piece of equipment to start once it stopped. The machine has been going for so long, And gotten so big and intricate that when it came apart and finally stopped the silence was deafening. Now, possibly, we're going to try to get that engine up and going again I think it's going to be possibly is challenging as the fight to conquer the plague if we have. This part of me that's saying 'don't let your guard down, keep your dukes up, keep an eye out for the sucker punch because it's out there and it's coming, remember I grew up with an older brother I know about sucker punches'

This past couple of weeks have been like we been living in a made-for-TV movie or one of those old movies starring Jimmy Stewart. You could watch what was happening and sometimes grasp what was happening but overall it just didn't seem real. Felt like it was make-believe but at the same time in the back of your mind you knew it was real and that little person who lives in the back of your brain keeps screaming “this cannot be real! Make it stop make it stop” and now feels like it just might. I'm totally amazed Dianne got her Stimulus money!. She's only one I know who has that's so cool it's bringing a little reality to this nightmare. Now, people are beginning to talk about what they're going to do once the things get back to normal. What's normal? That's got to be the major question and will we recognize “normal” when we get there? I hope so I think things can look different. Things as simple as a handshake or can be different. I don't think the fist bump or the double bump is going to suffice. Someone I spoke to today over the Internet suggests the Japanese might have a right in doing a deep bow. I kind of like that it shows a bit of respect as well as decorum I just don't know if the Western mindset can slow itself down enough to accept this kind of recognition of another individual.

They say coming back to “normal” is going to be a slow process which mean things are not going to be the same. Giant football games, baseball games, basketball games parades and even new year celebrations great and small are probably going to take another form if they happen at all. Actually, also in the back of my mind I think that you know what things are going to go back to normal in three months, six months may be a year or more. Little bit by little bit, even if big brother says nobody gets together anymore, the 6 foot rule stays in place, people are going to find a way to get together just like they found a way to get their hooch when it was illegal, and drive than 55Mph. After our human, the top of the evolutionary food chain. We are, as a species, arrogant the point that nothing will overcome or overtake us. We'll forget the crisis and the struggle and the sacrifice we all had to make the survive. Will do just fine until we get Roundhouse with the sucker punch that's out there because there's always a sucker punch and there's always another test…

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