Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Bread On The Table


I feel like I'm getting behind because I don't have my kid letters finished by now, the third day of the month. I don't know why put such a high mark to reach to have them out so soon after the first but just seems important to me. Sometimes I wonder, am I overdoing this letter writing routine I've got myself into. It's weird for some reason this last couple weeks have gotten into this notion that my letters or some kind of a legacy. Something I'm leaving behind that somehow exemplifies or at least shines a light on one aspect of my life and that's the time I put into writing particularly for kids in my quest to teach them the importance of the written word and perhaps them developing the habit of writing. I may be a little megalomanic in my rationale but it's true. There's all matters of things one can do to leave witness to their life but I still believe the written word is one of the most important… If it was good enough for Nephi's good move for me. I certainly do not have the self-esteem to write my blogs/journal in gold but still concept is there… I write therefore I am.

I've actually got one the kid letters already in the mail. It's one of the new kid letters I started writing recently my grandson, one and only grandson, Asher. I don't nowise taken me so long to include him in this writing exercise but I'm glad that I have him to write to. It'll be a bit of a changeup from the girls I write every month. Speaking of girls going to include my writing to Bridget as well. Why have not included her is as will a mystery that I shall have to explore closer. Now that we are communicating a bit I'm excited. Bridget and I have such an interesting relationship. We share friendship together that I would love to talk to Bridget about. She worked for some time for our good friend of mine, Dr. Mac with Utah mental-health Association. Dr. Gift was a good friend of mine and I was envious of two remote work together. I wish Mac was around now sought to bounce off him all my feelings of the day, the strange days. But anyway I wander from my point. Letters, got a get those letters out and maybe it's not important they go out the first day or in the first week of the month they just have to go out because I want them out not because I'm under some sort of a deadline.

Each morning as I go up to the front of the building to check my mail or like today to do my wash I always check to see if there's anything on the sharing shelf in the community room. Today it being Thursday when a local Christian sects drops off a butt load of bread., Funny they see their mission to harness day-old bread from different vendors/grocers and bakers in the area and distribute this product to senior centers, homeless shelters apartment complexes like mine. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ridiculing the effort is just a whole lot of bread usually twice a week. Tuesdays and Thursdays seems to be the bread days. Today there was a nice pile of bread lots of hamburger buns, hotdog buns cookies and different kinds of bread. Today I actually four to the drop because I need to start eating my spaghetti I made earlier in the week in an attempt to use up my chicken meatballs. I was thinking what I make some French bread if there's any French loaves (and usually are) but not today. I was sort of bombed until I figured why don't I just use some hotdog buns open them up covering with Italian bread butter or whatever it is that you used to make French bread or garlic bread which be perfect to have on hand for the rest of the spaghetti. I don't know what happens to the bread that nobody else wants. Like I said any group could only eat so much bread. Sometimes, like to take the bread go across the street to the park and throat at the ducks. For the most part the ducks enjoy a good loaf of bread I'm hearing an echo in my head of “… Bread on the water” I don't really know where it's from I think it might be something biblical but doesn't matter still a whole lot of bread clomping on the tables in the community room…

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