Monday, February 15, 2021



When I was a kid I mean pretty small five or six years old when my first exposures to cooking beyond making my own cinnamon toast, which I thought was a great culinary feat, was going to the pantry and opening a box of butterscotch pudding mix. I can't remember my mom sitting me down and instructed me how to put this treat together but all I remember now is when I wanted to treat that I get permission to make butterscotch pudding. Pulled out a mixing bowl open the box dump the pudding into the bowl then measuring out a couple of cold milk maybe two cups I'm not sure now at least one cup I know that, then mixing the milk with the pudding mix and then getting to use the old hand beater stirring the mixture up for a good 3 to 4 minutes and soon I had a beautiful golden brown pudding Which I would cart off to the black and white television to watch the original Superman or rifleman or maybe even American Bandstand that seems to come along a little bit later.

I don't know if it's possible, haven't really tried, but I just can't seem to find instant butterscotch pudding at the market never tried to her three times. Finding this little delicacy is not really high on my list of things I need but it would just be nice every once in a while. Dianne actually purchase what is available and that's the butterscotch pudding you actually have to cook and is quite good at putting it all together. That's where I would stop “cooking” butterscotch pudding is a real process and really it's just mixing the ingredients and stirring for an extended period of time until the pudding thickens and then waiting for it to cool. I suppose there are those who would just assume they would consume the pudding warm if not hot. Not me, I would just as soon forgo the guilty pleasure.

Then, this weekend as we were social isolating in our respective homes but video chatting Dianne mentioned she had sent away for a case of butterscotch pudding. Why had I not follow that!?! What a simple solution on so many levels. First and foremost a case I think like 48 little containers of butterscotch pudding already made and probably best of all individually packed. Quality controls assured (assuming one house the strength to just eat one or two). And you have enough pudding to last forever it would seem. What is best of all is that you can order it through Amazon that comes directly to your door I think for about $12!. What a treat! I just got the butterscotch, I could of gotten lemon, vanilla and Of course multiple kinds of chocolate. Too much selection for me but maybe someday I might risk chocolate but for now I think I'll be happy with butterscotch. Of course my media challenge is to figure out how to get the shipping box off the floor and on the table where I can open the box and run a quality control test MMMM MMMM GOOD! :-)

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