Sunday, February 28, 2021

Fried cabbage


My mess was not nearly as attractive as this but tasted good! :-)

I was lucky enough last week I was down at the common room when one of the fellows from the food bank dropped off the Thursday consignment. It's amazing what is available when you're right there is the resources come in. There's all kinds of dairy goods, albeit most of that was passed their due date but some people like that, vegetables and some fruit and lots of bread always lots and lots of bread. Some cookies every once in a while a cake. But I got my hands on the head of cabbage. I'm really trying to do more with cabbages here. I like cabbage because it lasts a long time in your refrigerator I mean before it's cooked. I like cabbage because a lot of it can be used in Asian cooking and I like to learn more about Asian cooking. I try to cook as much Asian as I can. So, I have this beautiful cabbage head and I threw it in the refrigerator and there it sat for the last week or so. On my weekly shop around yesterday afternoon I picked up the kielbasa sausage link and figured it was time to process the cabbage. I have to confess some a bit intimidated when I start something new like this I guess that's why the last couple heads of cabbage I've had, I have squandered. Seriously, cabbage is so versatile. Well today was the day.

Seems like I can't do anything anymore without access to the Internet., It's kind of pathetic but that's where I'm at. So I put in “fried cabbage kielbasa” and sure enough a zillion recipes popped up my pick the one with the most colorful rendition of a skillful of cabbage sausage. I usually wait until late in the afternoon and then abandon the project because I'm too tired or too overwhelmed by how much problem producing such a project would be let alone what the cleanup will be. However this afternoon relatively early and got to work on the project thinking that I don't even have to eat the cabbage today. I can have it either on the rest of the week that's pretty cool. So I cleaned off the place on the table flashed up on the cutting boards went to work process in the cabbage. I did something this time a little bit more ingenious than usual. Axa pulled out a number of my stainless steel bowls you know like what real cooks to put all the ingredients into each one of them the ingredients as they need. That's what I did I took the kielbasa sliced it down the middle cut it up and a half inch chunks just like the Internet says set them aside, diced onion smashed three close of garlic set them aside, the monk to work on the head of lettuce. This was relatively straight forward a little bit more messy than I would like the kind of fun to. Skinning the bad leaves off the head thing half ing the head when cutting that in the slices in cubing the long slices of cabbage. Then it was the fun part brazing the sausage set-aside cooking on the onions of the garlic throwing in the cubed cabbage cook it down and then finally mixing the braised sausage and I was done. My mess did look as good as the cabbage on the screen but that's okay it's edible and I enjoy it and well enjoyed this week. Tomorrow's March time for good letters and everything else I do on 1 March or month. This next week I'll get my second shot for Covid I'm making progress but sounds like there's another variation of Covid out there from Africa would sounds pretty lethal oh well it should be almost 60° by the end of the week and I'm thankful for that…

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