Thursday, September 02, 2021

Raindrops Falling On My Head

I really feel fortunate that I'm able to live right next to a city park, even though I feel a bit guilty about all the water that's being used to keep this park green. I'm sure they could pull all the water they could use out of the little canal/ditch which flows along the northeast side of the park. The canal which had the breach a few weeks ago and disappeared all their ducks. It's not that I'm overly sensitive that the ducks are gone but I kind of miss him and I look forward to the time when there be back. I'm sure they will be back at some point you never takes a season or two before they realize the canals back in business. With that in mind had nothing else better to do today after I return from Walmart and head over to the park and inspect the bridge to see if there's any duck people hanging around the canal.

I could tell there was a change coming in the weather. There wasn't a whole lot of clouds but the winds were quite brisk but not cold. Being out in the wind of change is quite refreshing to me anyway. I've been quite focused the past couple of weeks about replacing my electric knife. I dropped the poor thing one too many times in the casing broke not to be repaired which was all right because I was ready for another are just to get a new knife. I thought about heading up to DI see what they might have. It seems like I've always seen the cutting parts or knives or blades or whatever they are that fit into I guess the motor mechanism that you plug into the wall or power. I assume many of those knives get donated all complete but I didn't have the patient*the well to read the bus all the way up to 7000 S. and Redwood Road just to get the knife. I thought I was doing pretty good heading up to Walmart on 5400 S. middle is to say I got one I haven't tried it out. True confession one of the reasons I got the knife was to cut a piece of foam that I can use as a side panel on my chair to help keep my spine somewhat straight as well as to act as a bit of modesty panel. Not that I worry about being a modest as much as I worry about showing fat body part with my shirt hikes up over my belly and back. Without the foam pieces that my physicaltherapist Casey made for me I've kind of felt at a loss and overexposed. But as I said I purchased the piece of equipment as well as dinner fortnight came on home.

I was still restless after I deposited my plastic bags of booty from Walmart. I decided I'd traverse over to the canal in hopes that the ducks returned. As I said earlier the winter blustery not cold just a steady blowing. The wind was doing its job as far as clearing out the smoke to see the mountains again without having to peer through a smoggy haze a wildfire smoke. Sadly, the canal is full totally full but no ducks to be seen anywhere. It's a shame I think the ducks would've enjoyed the water in the amount thereof. There was not a lot of clouds that was relatively partly cloudy but all of a sudden I felt rain large drops of rain splattering down on my head and body and side. The rain was coming down with such velocity I thought perhaps at first the droplets were actually hail but they weren't there were just very heavy droplets of water coming down from the sky. It wasn't a cascade water event more just random sprinkling. The kind of whether a mother would let you out and play in the rain because there is also blue skies and sunlight. The moisture coming down is not necessarily uncomfortable but there is definitely a splattering of water hitting the sidewalk by the senior center where I had retreated after checking for ducks. It was a pleasant afternoon rain/sprinkle and I enjoyed being in the moment and the clouds were stunning. The time is getting close to 3 PM when marketplace starts so I booked it back to the apartment entombed in the radio. Later on in the evening however right around news hour time news hour time, 6 PMThe clouds finally began to organize the winds became more committed and soon my whole apartment complex was in the middle of a major downpour, cloudburst! It seemed the clouds revengeful to the point of almost being frightening. I could almost imagine the feeling of an approaching tornado. The trees across the way were rocking and swaying in a violent dance, it was beautiful. Rarely have I seen rain actually come down sideways the wind was so great. For one second I was spooked thinking about what I must've been like for those people in other parts of the country will be inundated with cloudburst after cloudburst sustain for hours producing major floodwater. Luckily we had none of that at least here along the Wasatch front. We just had a beautiful storm. It's now after the storm the sun is out but the wind is still blustery and according to the weather service we can expect more rough weather later this evening and that's always something to look forward to…

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