Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday Night Thoughts


But actually really felt like fall/autumn to be. A minor cold front wandered through with actual clouds is morning and brief bits of rain here and there. Of course, nothing significant the rain with the winds certainly made the day feel cold. It was an illusion of course the winds are actually pretty warm. The most productive thing I did today was to wash my sheets from the disastrous week I had. I had my substitute, substitute, Gloria on Friday changed the sheets to my bed first time a long time but more importantly get the bloody sheets off and into the wash before the blood sets any further than it already has. My other goal for the day was to clean the apartment is much as I can. This of course did not go very far although I have worked on the project off and on all day just seems so hard to make any progress. I don't know it's me, the apartment are some greater force than I working against my notion of need for a clean apartment. I would settle for just cleaner not necessary clean.

In full disclosure I must admit that I've structured by day around a number of MCU movies. I must admit I'm addicted to marvel and its universe. It often almost frightens me how often I watch these movies At the cost of doing something productive with my day. Today I use the rain/clouds and wind as a significant rationale to enjoy my movies. I don't know how much I would say this productive but I even put together a fairly significant breakfast. I have half of baked potato from the state from the other day, onions, green pepper. Our Fridays altogether of course adding a couple tablespoons of fresh cottage cheese and a heaping spoon of sour cream. It was a fun exercise which are spring the fact of the Joy of cooking. Four eggs added to the fried potatoes and vegetables makes a pretty big whatever it is, it's not an omelette though kind of is what really not and is not scrambled eggs because it's a mixture whatever it is I half of them saved the other half for sometime next week. I will not be tomorrow of course Mark Anthony's already checked in going to breakfast once again. Temperature should be cooler than usual with the low front that's marching through. I'm a little nervous however Mark Anthony has really begin to share with me his infatuation with everything Russian. It sounds like tomorrow he's putting together a Zoom get together with a number of his Russian friends. I must admit I'm a little nervous on the number of levels but will have to see where it goes I have met a couple of his contacts once or twice last week. I guess what worries me most is that I have this mental image Of a number of CIA boys tracking our phone calls and whatever they do when they feel that somebody's been somewhat questionable. That's the one side the other side is I little concerned about what if it's the Russians trying to play Mark as an in to the American system. I don't know but I'll go through with the meeting tomorrow and see how it feels. One can never have too many friends. So I still have to finish my last Avenger movie for the evening then get to bed. On a sweep up the kitchen a little bit before and then maybe sweep the other floors tomorrow at some point. I haven't done much distance this weekend. Likely tomorrow I may put some miles on but it won't be much I'm thinking of not charging my battery tonight… Just because


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