Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Tuesdays Tangent

I started that Robert Ludlum book Today, you know that Ludlum is not a Ludlum book published under Ludlum's name? Actually it's not bad. I took the book with me on my trip to downtown for my assist meeting this morning. I can't believe how long it's been since I actually took a book with me on my bus trips. I think it's because of this new chair of the power chair that really does not have adequate sides to hold things. In the old days I often stuck the book I was reading the side of my chair so I dollars, with me. But as these new chairs of gotten, what they think is fancier, there's no less less side protection for the armrests. Not only does that eliminate the ability to carry stuff but also takes away the place to insert a modesty panel some sort. I was able to use one of the modesty panels we made the other day which works fine as long as it stays wedged between myself and the armrest but I found that I nearly lost the foam rubber piece three times today. If I don't remain alert will work its way free but I won't feel, usually, the foam piece slip away. I was relatively hypervigilant today however and came home with the piece I left with. There is only one time they had to backtrack and luckily there was right in the middle of the sidewalk. The piece of foam had stayed in the place where I dropped it almost 90 minutes earlier as I was at my Assist meeting.

Now that was a pretty good tangent. I think I'll enjoy the read all things considered I have to admit though there is certain level of violence had not encountered before not even in the Stephen King volumes I love so much.

The other project I'm trying to focus on is the shoe stories. I just cannot write which breaks my heart. I'm going to operate under the concept that the more one does right the better the writing might become. I don't know if I totally believe that but many given a shot. I'm going to try to make my morning time by writing time did enjoy the rest of the day. I'm wondering as well perhaps I should go back to typing manually as opposed to using a device like Open Writer or some other voice to text software. Maybe it's not being able to think on my seat as opposed to putting thoughts out too fast to enhance the story development concept. Whereas if I'm slaving over a keyboard trying to type might be able to maul a thought before I added to the page. I have to admit I don't look forward to physically typing. I didn't mind the process before my stenosis operations which left my right side significantly impacted to the point that I couldn't type for some time. Now however, I can type again somewhat, not with the endurance of side did before but maybe as I type I'll build by endurance up again. I don't know if I will do that, I'll give it a shot and see how it feels. Maybe I can use a version where I take the best out of both techniques to increase the probability of getting something written worth reading…

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