Sunday, September 05, 2021

Things Bizarre


I don't know if I was excited about going to breakfast with Mark Anthony this morning or I was still groggy because I seem to wake a number of times during the evening. Either way I almost did make my transfer from the bed to the chair. The long hook I use that hooks onto the chair and runs down the side of the chair between the bed in the chair on which I hang dependent and control for the bed. The hook is bent in such a way that readily fastens onto the side of the chair which is great. This morning I forgot to unhook the hook and move it out of the way before I started my process of transference. It was only when I noticed the long hook was still attached that I stop the process but my legs are already off to bed and I was getting close to falling into the chair but I was totally concerned because the stick would prevent me from doing that and I would end up just being caught there. As much as I did not want to I then started the process of dragging myself back into the bed which is really quite a feat. Luckily I was able to pull off the event came back onto the bed completely turning myself over than reaching over and unhooking the hook.This was the first time this is happened. This worries me but will not stop me from trying to be as independent as possible. I just have to be more focused upon rising in the morning. I usually do a pretty good job and I'm pretty proud of myself but like I said this morning I was probably excited and too eager to get up.

I was kind of surprised that there were few people at D's restaurant this morning than usual. I thought there would be more it be in the Sunday of a holiday weekend. Maybe everyone was out doing the last of the summer camping are trips. It was a pretty good breakfast however and afterwards we retired to my apartment were Mark was able to facilitate the making of some cushion Side modesty panelsAnd side support. While Mark Anthony was there I had to change my ink on the computer that I just ordered and of course I got the wrong size which is totally bizarre because I double checked at least twice before I hit the order button. I probably would adjust thrown the ink cartridge into one of my top drawers Mark Anthony talked me into exchanging it on Amazon which I did. It was surprisingly easy to see Mark do it I doubt I would have gotten the same result. But they accepted the open cartridge and I ordered The correct cartridge which should actually be here today by 10 PM. I don't need that in control 1 October my new letters go out. We saved on postage by taking the packaged cartridge wrapped up in the Amazon package and dropped it off at the UPS store just across the street from my apartment complex and from there we cruised about six the half miles through neighborhoods and apartment complexes. Mark Anthony broached the idea of possibly moving in together. I thought this was coming and I have sort of blanched at the concept but if the marriage those breakup in Mark Anthony and Jasmine find a house which is accessible Maybe I should consider this. I worried about living with Mark Anthony and Jasmine that would be a trip. And what if everything fails but maybe it won't. I got a remember that I'm 70+ years old maybe I'd need to live in person to make sure I can be as independent as possible. I keep thinking someone is going from up in there and leave me stranded in the house but you know what I'm the one leave them and probably well. So who knows maybe there'd be another move in my life that would be bizarre…

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