Monday, February 28, 2005

I am anomaly!


Marty pushes the wheel Posted by Hello

I am anomaly! I love Mondays and especially Monday morning! I like the feeling of shaking off the weekend, flexing my muscles and getting into” the mix”. I have a mental image of Monday mornings. I envision the wheel of industry slowly begin to move, having stalled during the weekend but not completely stopped. The American industry never stops just slows down but on Monday I feel industry start cranking up, very Ayn Rand. I have noticed that each day has a specific feel. I wad moved this morning, while on the train, top consider writing a poem to each day trying to capture the feeling of each or at least the days which strike the most if having their own personalities. Do not get me wrong, this is not a rip off of the pizza commercial for “two for Tuesday”. I have had these feelings for the days of the week for a long time.

I just called the shop where I have my van. They have not started working on the vehicle yet but indicated they would get it running shortly. I would like to have the vehicle by the end of the day but we will see. I am sure the cost will be hundreds it always is, oh the price of living independent disabled. I have sill to get a bus pass for March, which begins tomorrow I, fear the month may be coming in like a Lion.

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