Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Dance With Me


Don't get me wrong I love the work I did with Assist, Inc. my Tuesday morning meetings but the same time I enjoy short vacation and received one today. When I called to find out if we were having a meeting my guy Andreas was not around was actually on vacation which meant no meeting. Actually, I made the call on Monday night as I remember thinking I can sleep in but I didn't sleep and I never do. When I got a good sleep that's getting kind rare. I really think my physical workouts on the hand really does make the difference.

Anyway, I have been meaning for a number of days that they being a couple weeks to in over to the credit union and pull out some cash and get a number rows of quarters. Between the poor weather and trips to the liquor store I just have not gotten over to the credit since before lristmas . To be felt like a good day for traveling. I took the path of least resistance and went to the credit union close by my head apartment complex. I have to catch 2 buses to get there may be the fastest trip when all connections are made. Sorry to be filling you with so much minutia I am laying the groundwork for today's image. As I was heading to the bus stop just outside by apartment complex I caught the image of a set of boots. And I know this speaks to my naivety but at 1st I was struck by the fact that this is not only one shoe but two! A set. I was also somewhat saddened by the fact it was a child's pair shoes. Couldn't even begin to think of the scenario which would result in the shoes on the side of going to the bus stop. I don't know what made me think of this but as I examined the shoes even closer I got to thinking these are children's shoes these are a woman's shoes kind of like, cowboy boots may be the kind that she wouldn't work to the bar or dancing or something but why are they now lying on the side of the sidewalk near a bus stop on the road.

My good friend Lori of course would immediately shout “write the story”. She's absolutely right I have the courage to try to fill out the history/back story of the shoes. The new shoes by any means and I do not know the reason functional this seems a little on the light side. And I would think this be something I would've found more likely in the summer than in the dead of winter. The boots/shoes were right on the side of the sidewalk close to the bus stop. Perhaps, the shoes are actually sitting on someone's black plastic garbage bags of possessions on the way to the shelter try to find some sort of protection from the winters cold. She did not notice the bus arrived as she was rifling through big black bag and had to grab everything up immediately to climb on the bus and only afterwards she notice a pair of scuffed, read party shoes lying alongside the bus stop unsure as to whether they will ever dance again….

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