Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Of Podiatrists and Accordions


Today I was back out on the bus line. I had a scheduled appointment every 9 weeks ago in my toenails done by the podiatrist – – his name is Richard and I used them for a number of years. Is efficient reason is guy I see about every 9 weeks. The trip to the podiatrist was covered by insurance and I feel quite special to have the service. There is a number of podiatrists who come to this facility will number times a year and people sign up to have their feet down. I think they also use the Medicare insurance program to cover the costs. So probably the same program is the same as mine I just feel elitist because I actually take the bus out to their office/clinic. I'm amazed at how much these guys chargeback the federal government for this service I'm not going to pass judgment and it is a good service for me.

There were clouds, angry storm clouds here there even a few snowflakes scattered here and there on my trip. I was wearing my Christmas gift, an Avengers blanket. Today I had my shower program so I just hung around after my staff left until it was time to catch the bus for the podiatrist. Fortunately, the buses were were running on schedule so I did not have to spend too much time in the elements. I did get to the podiatrist office while 45 minutes early so is able to go to the Smiths superstar which is just a half a block south. There is a regrettable fast lunch of one chicken tender and about 700 rings from the deli. This is a perfect lunch along with the bottle of Squirt. I was kind of shocked that this beverage are still being made. Grapefruit flavored carbonated soda. In the old old days I tried to learn to play the accordion. We had an old 120 base accordion that belong to my older sister. 120 base is a monster instrument, large, bulky and it's 120 buttons intimidated the hell of me. I struggled with this instrument for 2 years going to my lessons one hour a week. Lessons of coursework after school my mom picked me up and we drove over to the studio. I always had a half hour to wait mom would give me a quarter which I would purchase a Hershey bar with almonds, almost worked and I would pocket left over dime. Today it was chicken tenders, and onion rings and squirt for about $4. Not a bad increase their something about 60 years ago if not a little bit longer. I totally enjoyed my lunch eating it in the customer section of the national chain coffee shop. I knew I was going to be asked to leave at any moment by coffeeshop staff until I realized there all the way over to the side of the seating area managed by teenagers who could care less still I ate very covertly.

Apologize for not taking any images on my trip today will make a post so much more interesting… Maybe tomorrow…

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