Tuesday, January 24, 2023

I'll Be Shredding You


It's almost February just a few more days of this 1st month of the year. I figure it's time I started shedding Christmas 2022. In the past I've held onto Christmas probably much longer that I need to Not wanting to see the season pass away. However this year I'm trying something new going to try to get rid of all the proofs that Christmas existed in this apartment this year. This is not being done with malice of forethought I think it's just good for me to start letting go where I can. So I began gathering up to Christmas cards I received this year and putting them in the shredder those that will fit. There are a couple of Christmas cards however I want to cut up into bookmarks which I think would be pretty cute. Unlike seasons past right of used a lot of the Christmas cards to turned into bookmarks This year I'm only going to use one and I'm going to shred the rest.

The apartment is begin to experience entropy again. I've got to go through a pile of mail I've had for some weeks now and Either file or shred my main goal is to get rid of this pile of useless notifications from My insurance company indicating they've made payments on my claims. It's one of those things that went to get it in the mail I have to figure out what to do with it. I like to blame my disability for the fact that I can't really get to my file cabinet, which is very small, and should post the notifications into their Respective jackets. I used to focus on opening up each letter point out the main document and then trashing the accompanying document from the agency tell me what the document is that I just got. Then I would take the document and file it in order in front of the last document I received in the folder. I got to be to mindbending and frustrating. The Mark Anthony indicated that really do I even need these documents? I just figured you did why would they send to you. Mark was of the thought that these documents were relatively useless that I should go into the website and request that they stop sending me paper forms and anything that they want to communicate with me we should do it through the email. Sadly, I'm old school, I don't trust the Internet system. Will happen when the system goes down and it will go down you know that? Then I'll have all these documents which prove that my claims been paid. And that's perhaps the biggest reason I keep the hardcopy. Mark  infrustration says if we have a breakdown of systems so significant that we lose all of our backup material is good be a lot more sensitive material people are going to go after been your PE HP claims payment forms. In short he gave me permission to begin throwing away these documents. I did get for a while and then they just kept piling up on the corner of my computer table. I mean really why would they send them if we didn't need them?

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