Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Frustration


Yesterday at the event of my former bosses retirement I visited a little with my old officemate Julie. Her office was right next to mine for a bit. She finally retired from the office a few years ago and has been enjoying retirement. As I said we got to visit briefly at the retirement function and she mentioned that she felt guilty for not doing work that she's doing. I thought that very intriguing as I agreed with her that I often felt the same way. I do especially on weeks like this one and really more than 1 mile my power chair. Other than the guilt I enjoy being I apartment on days when there's nothing to do or commitments that I and work my puzzles, stream of my movies and read if I want. I think I've I've used the tenderness of my rear end, also is a good excuse. I hate to use that as an excuse but it's kind of true. I've got something while we back in my chair to take the weight off my butt. I really do believe this form of press release is in my best interest but it still makes you feel guilty.

Remember think I briefly mention that my new cushion came in yesterday's UPS drop off. Luckily I remembered this morning glory was here doing my program that I need to have the cushion unboxed and placed in my chair which she did. That certainly not sitting on a cloud certainly better than what I I have been sitting on.I guess tomorrow morning I'll know better at how much protection cushion can render. Hopefully with the added protection and my press release protocol that will alleviate the pain I am feeling on my left hip. That would be just to cool. I've got my fingers crossed.

I'm struggling with this software it when I currently amusing to text or talk to text what I write. Actually, it may not be the software all the works I think like 80% what should. I think my problem is with the headset. The headset I'm using right now is one that I ran over couple weeks ago. And of course up until that time headset seem to be working fairly well in my speech to text is probably around 95% accurate that seems a little high better than it is now. The microphone off of the boom kind of hanges and I don't think catches what I say a great deal of time. I tried to get it back into its holder but I've destroyed the plastic holding device beyond its practicality. The only option I have – – will not the only option – – is to purchase a new headset. I hate doing but I guess will be worth the hassle especially when I use it daily like I do. I should upgrade the software, it's pretty old, but that's way too much adult of these 1st days when I feel like but to tolerate a bus trip into Best Buy pickup another set or I get real brave I will order a headset from some Internet platform…

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