Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Here My words


If you look closely at the center of the image you can see the broken microphone hanging from the mouthpiece of the old system

To be honest I was kind of hoping when I called the office today that Andrea's would advise me not to come in because he wasn't ready on account of the holiday, yesterday. Also because the weather looked so inclement. I was wrong Andreas was ready on all counts saying “sure, we've got enough damage the process”. I was inbound for my 11 AM meeting. I was running late little worried that I would not get to the office on time but totally surprised myself got there at the time to run the Street to 7-Eleven coffee. In fact is one of those weird warnings when I went to pay for my coffee to inform me that this young lady with a very weird dog and paid for my coffee! I guess she was kind of a “pay it forward” kind of gal. I've learned not to challenge the gift horse in except the gift: enjoy the coffee.

The morning was dark and overcast there is even very light snow flurries every once in a while. The weather person indicated that if there was to be it would be later on in the afternoon impacting drivetime. I figured I would be home by then. We did have a lot of names to consider but because I was the only will there be did not spend a lot of time in social yak the 20 some work requests signed and I was out the door.

Thought about it in my favorite restaurant. The places a high end joint that I love to show up with haggard looking self. I know you think I'm a homeless person but my appearance specially now that I wrapping my legs and my Avengers blanket the received from the kids for Christmas. I instead decided I would go to a little hole in the wall barbecue/ribs joint which Dianne I used to go to. I guess you'd say was one of our favorite joints. I was really looking for some meatloaf and mashed potatoes prices 14 something which is too much for lunch. I decided on a smoked meat sandwich basically smokes pieces of meat in a hamburger bun playing which its barbecue sauce on. Way too much meat in fact I ended up taking half the meat and set of meat beside. The sandwich cost $9 so sense it was okay everything costs more these days… Inflation. The 2nd item on my agenda today was the get another set of earphones/microphone set for my dictation. That would mean going across the street barbecue place to the Best Buy which I did and found a fairly economical set of earphones with microphone boom. I'm sure is the same technology that I purchased last time I had to replace the microphone so. The item was less than $30 so I guess it was affordable and seems to be working just fine, much better than be earphones I ran over in my chair breaking the microphone housed in the little boom off the earphones . I found dictating with me broken microphone challenging at best seeming like I had to repeat everything I wanted to write at least once many times more. So I think this is going to do at least until it falls prey again to the wheels of our chair…

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