Thursday, September 21, 2006

Maybe Just Grow

I had a presentation at the Gray Ghost this morning. The Gray Ghost is a Senior citizen high-rise right behind the office building my office is located in. The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 I thought for sure I would be out 10:30 11:00 the latest. I left the building at11:30 and I could have gone longer but I was getting dizzy…I needed a protein fix. I was called the first of the month as asked if I could address this group of folks. The Ghost is a HUD housing project built thirty years ago, one of the only local HUDs left which will house non-seniors with physical disabilities. So both populations are the folks I serve, the place is round the corner from my office and an easy knock off.

I met with a group of about 6 people mostly people with disabilities not senior in the technical sense but , like me, getting there. They did have disabilities anf lots of questions. I never did get into the generic presentation about my operation I had planned to give. These folks had real questions Medicaid cut-backs to problems about local public transportation. Prisoners of State trying to survive in a system which seems focused at eradicating them. One individual was scheduled to have all his teeth pulled because the system is too cheap to provide adequate dental care. This guy is my age, maybe a little younger. He is scheduled to be seen by the oral surgeon sometime next month for the extraction. He is spooked And I would be too. I gave him some ideas and hopefully he will carry through.

Next was the discussion about the lack of computers and INTERNET availability and what could be done. Then discussion went political action group and then I realized I may have woke a “sleeping giant”.

I have rolled in upon a core group who might be able to activate the whole building of over two hundred soul. What is really cool is this building is right in the heart of downtown. This group could actually make it up to the State capitol on very short notice. These folk are with in rolling or walking distance of two major television networks. These guys could have a major impact on local government if they are motivated and directed correctly. Now, don’t get me wrong this leader is not me but there are those who might rise up. I just need to continue to encourage to rattle and roll and to bring the local temperature to a boil.

There are a number of advocacy groups in this area who could conceivably take on this responsibility—community organizing is in their mission statements.

This is not what I had intended when I left my comfortable warm office. But, just maybe, this is exactly what I need. I need my “tree” shaken. I need to get back to the street and mix it up. I am being forced to leave my comfort zone and maybe just maybe to grow a little.

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