Monday, September 18, 2006

Trauma Drama

I am being thrashed by my equipmemt again! I could really allow my paranoid delusions get out of hand if I let myself go. Yesterday, there was a break in the rain and the sun made an appearance and I felt motivated enough to get out and get the weekend chores out of the way, more specifically the week’s shopping. I like to do the shopping Sunday morning if I can. This excersise gets me dressed and out the door and forces me to start dealing with the public again. I have to be civilized.

I was slow getting out yesterday. I did not even live the housed till afternoon. I got in the van and made the transfer to the drivers seat and move the seat forwards to my comfort zone under the steering wheel. I got to the market and when I tried to move my drivers seat back to access my wheelchair the seat would not budge. There are a set of controls on my drivers seat which move the seat forward and backward, another which raised the seat up and down and a third which spins the seat about 45 degrees. All these movements allow me to access my chair. All switches must be working for me to either drive my van safely or exit the van. In this case none of the switches were operational. I was stranded in the parking lot of Smith’s market. I guess I was lucky. The day was a beautiful Fall afternoon, people were out shopping like I wanted to be. I mean the situation could have been far worse, the temperture could have been freezing or broiling both situations could be deadly to a quad like myself.

I was so discouraged that I just sat there in the parking lot listening to NPR’s Sunday broadcasting trying to work the switches on my chair in hopes that I would do something which would “kick’ my chair into operational mode but nothing happened. My backpack which held my cell phone was behind me in the back of the van where I could not reach it even with my hook. I finally realized I was not going anywhere and I better get my butt in gear and do something. I always look to my big brother as a personal savior when I get into these problems. My brother like my father can fix anything…most of the time—one-way or the other.

I drive over to my brothers and was relieved to see his new neon in the drive way He was home. Well, Carl works on seat for over an hour and we cannot get the seat to work. I finally accept the verdict that I am going to have to get the van over to Solutions and have them trace the break. Carl followed me home and manhandled me out of the van into my power chair. Once again totally dependent on others for survival…

Then this morning I was on the last leg of my morning commute into my office. Another cool brisk Fall morning. I was doing Ok, I started out a little late from the house but I would be into the office way before the 0800 hour. I was coming down the ramp from th-e Delta Center where the ramp intersects the main sidewalk and I don’t know what happened but the chair stopped and threw me out onto the sidewalk. I think I must have looked like “Charlie Brown” being hit by a line drive: both shoes flew off and I just about lost my pants! I hit the sidewalk twisting and my head was going to bounce of the sidewalk and there was no way I was going to prevent the head slam from happening. So, I rolled and bounced. Luckily I was wearing my hat and had my black diamond (hoodie) wrapped round my shoulders which also cushioned head blow. Just laid my head back and waited for the concusion envelope my brain and body. The concussion never came. I was OK. I started squirming like the larva I am out of my chair.

As I was coming down the sidewalk I had noticed a women, far off down the block. She was now coming up on me asking me if I was OK and did I need help. I told her I was OK and I did need help. It was cool this little laid strong armed a couple Hispanic home-less guys and had them throw me into my chair. These guys must have been farm worked heading to the potato fields of Idaho. These guys picked me up like a sack of spuds planted me back in my chair. They even stuck my shoes back on my feet. I wish I could have got this spill on tape some how. I think it would have been cool.

So it seems my mechanicals are out to get me. I had better be careful and start taking control. Because we know where it’s Colossus of HAL the machines are out to get us.


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