Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Stress or Undigested Meat

Stress or undigested meat

My boss stopped by my office this morning and asked how I was doing: remember she is leaving the State this week and is leaving the office in my hands. I of course said “ No, I am fine” however, I did inform her that I am beginning to loose sleep. I cannot tell you if this lack of sleep is from the added responsibility at the office and particular being in charge off the office while she is gone.

Last night I tossed and turned a great part of the night. Each time I would get to sleep I would notice a hooded figure behind me( in the dream sequence) and I would immediately wake up. The hooded figure looked like a “Jawa” or the Grim Reaper. Now, I do not know what this means but I feel is directly related to my new standing at the office. My question to myself is this behavior going to get worse?

It seems that each morning the boss stops by the office and gives a me a couple of assignments. I think I resented the added workload at first but now I am kind of excited to have something else, something fresh to do. Granted some of the work seems a bit intimidating but I feel I am up to the challenge. The main concern I am having is that some of the work if not all is a bit out of my original job description but meets the broader description of Information Specialist. I sort of like being an Information Specialist in the broadest form of the definition. So now, I am not only a phone Info spec regarding disability I am also doing on going research to bring needed information to the folks at the Council so they can make decisions which will may affect people with disabilities all over the State.

So I think the little Jawa running round the inside of my head and waking me up all night is me just trying to get a handle on my new assignments and to make sure what ever these new assignments might don’t kill me. I think I am trying to figure out ho I am going to le\ad and remain friends…I have always said one can do one or the other but you really cannot do both effectively. I just have to be boss for just over a week.

Last night I went to my granddaughter, Jessie’s, birthday celebration, a spur of the moment family gathering at her apartment complex. My son cooked hotdogs and hamburgers for the family. There seemed to be a little stress but no more then to be expected at a family gathering, I had a burger, which was excellent and a turkey dog, I was fore warned but I ate it anyway. I am thinking the hamburger and the dog may have been the true reason for the Jawa appearance in my sleep. After all the office is just the office and that is regulated by the clock. Turkey dogs, now that is a frank of another color.


Anonymous said...

COME on...."You can Do It!!!"
Only I would give up the turkey dog myself. (:
Isn't it funny how different happenings in our lives affect us?I don't think they expect you to do a whole lot do they? - LaRene

riptideselkie said...

uhg turkey dogs can do it alright. heh, i believe you're up to the challenge. A little stress is good for us anyway, forces us to grow. I hate feeling like i don't know what i'm doing, but there i am. Back at the bottom of the knowledge food chain at my new job. Still i get to learn all sorts of things. It's fun. But does get stressful.