Friday, September 22, 2006

On A Day Just Like Today

Fall crashed on to the scene this morning a little after 3:am. Eastern time. I woke to clouds, rain and a sense that snow had fallen and sure enough snow Had fallen at 6,000 foot level. There was snow on the benches this morning and more fore cast for the day. Today would have been a good day to have hunkered down in the office but I had a meeting out in the community.

The day looked cold and uninviting but the day was not so bad once out in it. I took the van into work today. I wanted an easy egress when three o clock arrives. I am jetting at three since I worked through lunch at A.T. Council and DD Council. I had my hours in. The boss did not look to happy as I was checking out but she did not stop me. I came straight home—a great place to be on a dark and rainy afternoon.

The past few day I have been focused on an event which happened years ago at the grade school i spent my formative years: Campus School. I was in the second or third grade when this event happened. I have some emails out to friends who can help me validate this event.

Campus school was on the campus of Boise Jr. College(BJC) in 1958 ( when I am going to say this event happened). BJC had an aggressive teaching department and we were teaching laboratory for these cadet teachers. Each class had two way mirrors separating the coat room from the class rooms where instructors and student teachers could observe classroom behaviors. I guess like any school we had a recess in the morning and then lunch then a second recess in the afternoon

In back of Campus school, North, there were stretches of undeveloped ground planted in grass larch enough for any number of footballs fields. To the northwest there were trees . Planted in two huge rows-great shade in the Spring and Fall. One day in the Fall, a day not unlike today, clouds and cool jacket weather. I belonged to a small gang of boys who like to fun in formation round these trees with their arms stretched out behind them in make believe wings, producing “jet engine sounds as they ran. Our squadron was heading west to the far end of the trees when we noticed a group of kids were bunched something on the grass at the far end of the school grounds. It was a large group of kids from any number of different grades. There were no teachers in sight so what ever was at the center of the interest had not been found for long. We broke formation and flyers circulated round the mass of kids trying to infiltrate to the core.

We eventually got in and was shocked to find a copy of he Bible opened to the 23rd Psalm with a pair of axillary crutches placed onto of the opened book! The crowd was quiet just staring at the weird scene. Teachers must have come out and got us moving back to class or what ever, I don't remember but it was weird and happened on a day just like today.

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