Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It Starts Today

It has started! The season of holiday over consumption, from now until January 2nd eat, eat, and drink, drink, drink and general party. Holiday dinners, church suppers and business open houses office Christmas parties all add up to more weight then one can swallow. I just finished a complete Thanksgiving dinner and the meal was great. Next week is Thanksgiving-a replay of today but add pumpkin pie and eggnog times how many left over meals you are lucky or unlucky to enjoy. The following week is December. Office parties and platters of home made cookies or other baked goodies and candies designed to celebrate the season show up on desks or door steps. If I am to survive this season and not start the New Year as huge as a house I am going to have to exercise major self discipline and pace myself. One cookie a day, on small helping of masked potatoes and gravy; one is one is all, no piling mounds and mounds of foot onto the plate and scarfing it down. I am also going to exercise, some how even if the exercise is just symbolic. I think the best exercise I can do is push myself away from the table maybe not even go to the table in the first place. If I miss one of these huge meals that is fine there will be other meals just as fine and just as opulent.

I woke this morning to lightning and thunder and rain being thrashed against our bedroom windows.. I double showered one in the show and then one in the leak in the roof just over my wheelchair. It’s funny because the ceiling was not leaking before I got in the shower but was when I got out. I need to get someone to get up on the roof and put down a blue plastic sheet to cover the hole and then plan of getting the hole fixed this next summer. I have tried to have contractors before get up there but they never can find the problem. I am terrified at what I might find when I finally do get someone to see what can of structural damage has been done to the roof and rafters. Ahhh the joys of home ownership.

Listening to the rain outside my bedroom window, I decided early on that I would drive my van up to the train station and train into work. I finally caved when I realized that if I did not put my shoes on until I got to the office I would only have to put them on once. I know I stand a pretty good chance of loosing my shoes when I transfer from my chair to the drivers seat and then again transferring back into my chair. And I am getting so I hate these shoes because the fall odd so easily. So, I drove into the office took one of the precious parking spaces and put my shoes on in the office. How, looks like all threat of rain and snow are gone and I am stuck with having to drive home in rush traffice. I need to realize agai how thankful I should be that I CAN drive and go anywhere I want to drive myself I spent an hour on the phone with a 432 pound women who was in tears because she did not have a vehicle, was new in town and broke and did not have anyway to the market,-- she had already tried all the places I suggested. She cried, I tried but the best I was able to do for her was listen to her cry and be supportive. Sometimes that is all you can do.

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