Friday, November 17, 2006

Shamless Plug

Shane, the guy who lived in the office in my right just took off. Today was his last day here at the office and now he is gone. The last of the old office except for me—actually Vicky is still here but she is just part time and she was on the Council which was volunteer and not a paid position. Shane was a weird little duck but I liked him enough. I donot think he liked me all that much since I have supported the new administration here at the office. Hey, I am the boss when the big boss is gone so that makes me the little boss. I think that kind of pissed him off too. I think he felt he should have been the little boss since he was the little book keeper or contract analyst. Titles are such a joke. So now there is the part time person and three full time folks and that is all. But that should not be for long we want to hire two part timers to replace my partner. Of course we ar doing this so we will not have to fork out benefits. I feel kind of “fishy” about doing that, since I just hate the huge corps that are doing the exact same thing. I guess I can at least understand why the big boys do this.

2008, I’ll have been at this position for ten years—maybe it’s time I should be moving on too but why? Just because everyone else has moved on who was at the office when I came on board? I have position I basically like, I am vested with the state, I have benefits I like the location and I can get to the job via public transit which the State basically pays for.So why not ride out my occupational life here with my window on the West?

It’s the Friday before Thanksgiving an things at the office have slowed way down. I am riding out the clock till 5:00.. I think the heater I have in back of me, stoked up to “HI” has lolled me into melancholia and philosophical babble. Any way, everyone have a great weekend and I will leave you with a shameless pitch for a book recently released by my buddy Bryon Murray who lives in Roosevelt Utah. The Pieces of the Puzzle Called Bryon is the book’s title and the book is an account of Bryon’s life living with a significant head injury. Bryon is has been very active in the statewide People First program. I donot know what had inspired this lad in the past couple of years I have known him but he has just taken off in personal growth. He has started marketing himself as inspirational speaker. He has traveled to a number of states including Washington DC. In fact he few out on Thursday morning to speak to a conference in Anaheim California and he has all his expenses paid. What I thought was really excited about this experience is this is the first trip he has taken completely by himself. The other trips he has had supports, job coaches, and other support types but this one he is winging it independently and I am impressed. Bryon had 100 books published and is “out there” selling them t cover his publication costs. The Pieces of the Puzzle Called Bryon is a small volume only 150 pages but the saga of his struggle is huge. Worth the cost of $10.00 just to say “ I bought hi first book, when he was just starting out.

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