Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Every Picture Tells A Story

One of the things I found extremely interesting how many photo opportunities one runs into just by showing up – – showing up to anything. What excites me to is that we live in an age where everyone has access to the photo device one sort or another usually cell phones at least I do. Many times I let great photo opportunities pass just because I don't take the time to take advantage of a photo opportunity. I've lost many of the great photography moments I have encountered. Even when I've taken images, good images, I cannot find the images on the different sources of backup I have: hard drives, thumb drives, memory chips etc. which is basically to say that image is lost if I cannot pull it up. Sometimes, I can search long enough to find the image that I want. If I were smart – – and I always say I'm going to do this but I don't – – I should create a file just for this genre of images.

I'm trying very hard not to turn this post into a holiday theme based comment. Valentine's Day, Bah humbug!. I've never really been into Valentine's Day. I remember in school having to make 20 to 30 Valentines one for each of my classmates in grade school. This event took forever and the only productive thing I gained out of the whole operation I learned to spell the word “from”. After writing the word 25 to 30 times it is and always will be ingrained in my brain. I don't know why Valentine's Day has been so difficult for me. I just couldn't pull it off. Maybe because I cannot put myself second which is really what I guess Valentine's Day is all about. I was still short on producing a Valentine's Day gift or even card for my wives over the years. Some days I got close but I was never had the funds to do decent Valentine's Day. I don't know how the other guys do it. Taking their wives out to dinner, purchasing a dozen roses (jacked up skyhigh for the day pricewise) or buying candy. My dad and how to do it. There are never serious valentines day gifts but I think my mom always appreciate them. Truth be known I believe she would appreciate something more romantic than what she got. My dad was working guy, he worked hard, I am surprised dad got anything for mom but he did and maybe that is the lesson in life, no matter how hard to get that gift or something special you get the item.. I never did. I could blame it on my poverty or having to get out of the car or van on a cold and blustery January/February day to get the Valentine's Day gift(it was so hard to do in a wheelchair, is that just pathetic or what). Even when I did make the effort I always got overwhelmed and could get the gift.And there, I have failed I have turned this into a Valentines day post. I'm just a weak.

I don't know why, I don't even try to make my February letters to the granddaughters, Valentine oriented. It takes so little to purchase a Valentine card and insert that with the February letter but I don't. My mom always did I am just a failure at this kind of stuff. I mean I could hit the drugstores tomorrow, the day after the event by tons of Valentines and store them for next year. But I doubt I will do that.

Back to images – – I actually went to look for files on this computer and a pathetic attempt to try to find images that would illustrate what I'm talking about but I couldn't find anything that I want. I have this one image of a high heel shoe that I found just sitting on a table I think. To the incredible picture. Instead I'm using this image of dashed roses somehow this image says it all. May you survive this Valentine's Day.

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