Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Me Snarky?

Life is a funny thing. I still don't have it down. I just got a thank you from a friend of mine's whose birthday is today. We were never really close, he was older than I am a professional with the state. It seemed to me that he can't it just fell off the map when he retired. I sort of got the impression he was going to do this vanishing act I was still kind of surprised. The couple months ago I noticed he popped up on Facebook – – which is also kind of a surprise because I never thought he was a Facebook kind of guy. I just took it for granted that he weakened one night to open up a Facebook account. I seen that over and over Facebook accounts of people that never seem to check their accounts. Sometimes wonder if other people so that the accounts out of despite. Then last week I noticed Facebook alerted Steve's friends Steve would soon be having a birthday. And today was the birthday. I pretty much figured that any messages would be going to Some dormant account. (I personally know of one account to a friend of mine who is dead but somebody maintains the account or seems to-- maybe messages just pile up to this guy who no longer is.

So I figured why not. I left a message, a birthday message and depending on how one read the message the tone of the message could be read a little snarky. I did not think Steve would read the message. But tonight as I was watching the news I noticed a message from Steve pop up on my news feed imagine my surprise. Steve indicated he acceded check is Facebook. Who would've thought? I quickly went back to check my post t.o see how snarky the post was and thankfully the post is not snarky at all when one read the birthday greeting with the widest open mind.

My friend Steve, I feel is a bit of an elitist. He was a occupational therapist by training who I'm not sure ever really practiced. He came to state employment to work in the area vocational rehabilitation and that's how I ended up crossing paths with my friend. I don't know if Steve is aloof or just shy, Steve could be both. I still liked the guy. He worked in the area assisted technology somehow, I never really figured it out but that's where his offices at and I would see him two or three times a month when I would be at his building for meetings. I think Steve was that unresolved hippie. He believed that the concept but could not bring himself to practice the hippie lifestyle – – or I could be all wrong maybe he was a raging long-haired hippie who made a commitment and entering OT school, cut his hair, threw a way his beads and sandals when he entered the halls of medical science and never looked back.

I like the guy. I don't know if he's even still in Utah. If so, I plan to find them and maybe we'll do lunch the summer and I will not be snarky at all.

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