Monday, February 19, 2018

Thank you Very Much

The snow came in today white and cold. What is been a very warm and dry winter is now turned cold and snowy. Things aren't looking too bad though, however I did not go out today, tomorrow however I should make up for being a shut in today. I have 8 o'clock meeting in the morning with my podiatrist and then later in the morning in downtown Salt Lake I have my Assist meeting. I would not be surprised however, if David cancels the meeting because of the snow.

I actually found about canceling my podiatrist appointment because of the snow and the cold and the ungodly hour of 8 o'clock. But you know what I live right on Redwood Road, all I have to do is cross the street and wait for the bus to take me to the podiatrist because his offices on Redwood Road to just down the street 40 blocks. Granted I have to switch buses halfway in my trip but it really cannot be easier even with the snow. I was a little worried because of the snow on the sidewalk but I sort of sat on management's head here at the apartments and saw that they got the snow off the walkway to the main sidewalk on Redwood Road. Chances are that hasn't been cleaned and snow but that's okay all I have to do is get to the intersection cross the street which shouldn't be too hard even if there's more snow tonight, which very well might be.

There are moments in my day that I very much think we're on the brink of dark times especially folks with disabilities. I was texting with my friend Lori tonight for a few minutes and we texted about how dismal living alone can be sometimes special when trying to stay warm. Lori pays for her heat and I do not, mine is included with my rent, I'm not too frugal with the heat whereas Lori has to be frugal. What are we going to do if the current administration does begin to ravage the social systems and networks of our country and people dependent on entitlements? I try not to think about these scenarios, I know they are coming there really is no other way to play the cards as they are currently dealt. I have yet to get really depressed yet but thank goodness I don't get caught in cyclic thinking about such tragedies. I hope maybe when the time comes the motley crew of people I hang with put together some sort of living scenario that will get us through. In our conversation we made reference to Dickens and some of his characters that live hand to mouth, gutter to Street. I wonder sometimes if we as a culture have romanticize Dickens writings more than he would've liked. In trying to keep with my current fixation of trying to build my blog around a piece of music I quickly visited Scrooge for one of my favorite songs Thank you Very Much these characters make being poor look fun. But maybe when/if the times turn dark, people with disabilities might ban together in small clumps here and there in the community sharing housing, food, transportation and even attendant care. Maybe we can find some one perhaps a kinder version of Fagin( Oliver--Oliver Twist) will kindly sent us on our way each morning to pickpockets, steal bread and an occasional piece of meat… Thank you very much

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