Sunday, May 07, 2023

7 Days


It is the 7th day of May not that that's significant for anything other then it's the end of the 1st week but I also totally enjoyed the novel and later the movie by the same name. This was the 1st “adult” piece of reading that I did that I truly really enjoyed and understood for the 1st time perhaps why people read particularly as adults. I think I was around 12 or 13 at the time. It was over the summer vacation that one day I climbed my hand-me-down 10 Speed rode into Boise and went to the public library. I got a library card and checked out 7 Days And May . And I was totally entertained for the next week reading on my bed the bottom bunk I shared with my older brother's bed was the top bunk. The days were hot and after I'd finished my chores for the day and not go swimming or something I opened the book and read until my chores pulled me away. Sadly am not a quick reader I never have been, and is much as I enjoy the process I struggle. Reading the adult book took me quite a while. I always think fondly of the novel the 1st week of May. As you are aware, constant reader, I am reading Stephen King right now totally enjoying the reread but it's a long process usually just reading every night and sometimes outside on the sidewalk when the day is warm enough..

I'm not feeling well today actually I feel quite okay but I'm sitting on a full bowel try not to aggravate myself to the point of losing that before tomorrow morning around 8:30 AM. Be that as it may I did go to breakfast this morning with my son and granddaughter will forge me so much time during the week. I truly appreciate the opportunity of hanging out with them on this regular basis. I'm truly surprised how much I appreciate and enjoy this couple hours. However, I certainly should not of had the breakfast that I did some kind of omelette with a side of crispy bacon. I only ate half and have the rest sitting in the refrigerator and it's Styrofoam container. But obviously there was enough food to put me at risk immediate bowel emission which are totally bummed me out and which I've used this as an excuse to sit in front of my computer screen streaming movies and such. I'm hoping if I could make it till bedtime but once I'm down gravity be less of a factor and hopefully let me make it through till tomorrow morning. There's a time when this particular feeling would terrify and decimate me thinking all hard it would be when that happens but since I have such a good home health person I look at it is just one more thing to work their and wants I've evacuated I'll be quite good for the next couple of days such as my Sunday…

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